43 nach Castelnaudary

Жарияланды: 01.05.2024

Distance 110 kilometers, cumulative 3,809 kilometers | Elevation 280, cumulative 29,090

The chalet I was able to stay in yesterday was beautiful, but it didn't have WiFi and I also had the impression that people in this place don't even know what the internet means. I never got more than 3G. And so I was only able to upload the pictures later in another place.

And today it will be late before I finish my blog. This time it is the man at the reception desk's fault. I have never met such an unfriendly person in my life. Unfortunately, I forgot to read the reviews beforehand. Here is an example:

Shabby reception. The receptionist just woke up from his nap and we felt unwelcome. The couple who arrived at the same time as us had the same feeling (we discussed it in the parking lot). It's high time this gentleman retired.

The answer to that is: Too bad! It's not always easy to wake up. I don't even know what day you came. If you want to take over the reception, send me your CV.

When I arrived at the reception, his TV was playing so loudly that I had to keep asking about it. It was enough to drive me crazy. But after cycling over 110 kilometers in rain and wind, I didn't feel like looking for another hotel.

I've now recovered a little and am looking forward to telling you about my tour today. When I set off, the weather was ideal, contrary to the weather forecast. Since May Day is a major holiday in France, the roads were quiet. But I was soon back on the canal path, which took me further east. About halfway through the stage was Toulouse, which I would have liked to have seen in better weather. But just before that, it started to drizzle, a sign that I had to move on as quickly as possible. There were still 60 kilometers to go.

I have never seen so many joggers of all ages in one city. Even after the city had long since ended, the number hardly decreased.

After that, the rain increased. However, the quality of the path decreased. At the Canal du Midi, the paths were no longer tarred, and later the rain caused lots of puddles and it also got colder. Fortunately, it stopped raining about 10 kilometers from the finish and I was able to dry off a bit.

I didn't take many photos today, partly because it always looks the same and of course because of the rain. Hopefully that will change soon.


The chalet in which I could still sleep was pretty, but there is no WiFi and the impression that people in this place don't know what Internet means. Never passed the 3G. So that only the photos can be taken later in another place.

And today it will be late until my blog is finished. This time the culpable person is the man who receives it. Now in my life I have met a very antithetical person. Sadly I lost reading the reviews yesterday. Here is an example of him:

Lamentable reception. The receptionist stopped waiting for her nap and said hello to us. The couple who arrived at the same time gave us the same sensation (we commented on the parking). Yes, it is time for this knight to rejoice.

The answer to this is: What a disappointment! It's not always easy to wake up. I don't think that day will come. If you want to recharge after receiving the package please send your CV.

At my reception, the television was sounding so loudly that I had to ask for one more time, it was desperate. But after cycling 110 kilometers under the rain and wind, I didn't want to look for another hotel.

Now I could recover a little and it's nice to watch my movements today. When we say, the time was ideal, contrary to the meteorological forecasts. Because May 1st is a big festival day in France, the streets were also quiet. But I'll be heading straight for the canal, which will take me further along this path. Halfway through the stage I stopped in Toulouse, which I would have liked to see more quickly. But just before I started walking, I signaled that I had to follow the instructions as quickly as possible. Then I waited 60 kilometers in front of me.

I have never seen so many escorts from all walks of life in the same city. Even after the hubbub city closed for a long time, the number of people dropped.

After that, the rain also increased. But the quality of the route has been diminished. The roads along the Canal du Midi are no longer asphalted, as the rain caused a lot of charcoal and even colder weather. Luckily I stopped walking about 10 kilometers off the road and could dry a little.

Many photos are not taken today. Also because I always see and suspect that the rain is falling. We expect this to change soon.

The chalet I stayed in yesterday was nice, but it didn't have wifi and I had the impression that people in this place don't even know what internet means. I never got past 3G. And so I was only able to upload the pictures later in another place.

And today it will be late before my blog is finished. This time it's the man at the reception desk's fault. I've never met such an unfriendly person in my life. Unfortunately I forgot to read the reviews beforehand. Here is an example of one:

Shabby reception. The receptionist just woke up from his nap and we felt unwelcome. The couple who arrived at the same time as us had the same feeling (we discussed it in the parking lot). It's high time this gentleman retired.

The answer to that: What a pity! It's not always easy to wake up. I don't even know what day you arrived. If you want to take over the reception, send me your CV.

When I arrived, his TV was on so loudly that I had to keep asking, it was enough to drive me crazy. But after cycling over 110 kilometers in rain and wind, I didn't feel like looking for another hotel.

I've since recovered a little from that and am happy to tell you about my tour today. On the way down, the weather was ideal, contrary to the weather forecast. Since May Day is a big holiday in France, the streets were quiet. But I was soon back on the canal path, which took me further east. About halfway through the stage was Toulouse, which I would have liked to have seen in better weather. But just before that, it started to drizzle, a sign that I had to move on as quickly as possible. There were still 60 kilometers to go.

I've never seen so many joggers of all ages in a city. Even after I had long since left the city, the number hardly decreased.

After that, the rain increased. But the quality of the path decreased. At the Canal du Midi the paths are no longer tarred, later the rain created lots of puddles and it also got colder. Luckily it stopped raining about 10 kilometers from the finish and I was able to dry off a bit.

I didn't take many photos today. Also because it always looks the same and of course because of the rain. Hopefully that will change again soon.

Жауап (2)

Was treibt dich zur Eile? Warum nicht Toulouse ansehen ? Genieße es! Du bist auf einer einmaligen Tour. Was passiert wenn Du weniger als 100 km zurücklegst? Oder wirst du an einem bestimmten Tag zu Hause erwartet?

Der Typ an der Rezeption sollte seinen Job wechseln. Gutes Ausruhen. Gute Nacht René allein unterwegs🥰😇

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