
Ngorongoro National Park

Жарияланды: 13.02.2021

Highlights: breathtaking view of the crater, lush green panorama throughout the national park, wildebeest, gazelle, and zebra herds, watching wildebeest run, proximity to elephants, general atmosphere in the crater with dark thunderclouds and sun - wonderful, popcorn in front of the tent after the safari

Exciting moments: buffaloes just a few meters away from our tent and once even very close, information that we should not have any food in the tent because it can happen that wild pigs 'shred' the tent to get to the food (quote from our guide: 'Don't be afraid of lions or buffaloes, they will not come into your tent. The wild pigs will come into the tent if you have anyyyything to eat there') -> we unpacked our entire backpacks again to see if we had anything with us - and we did 😅
