February 11, 2020, halftime in Ghana

Жарияланды: 02.03.2020

Today half of my time here in Ghana is over, which also means a quarter of my journey. Really unbelievable.
Time is passing by so quickly...
Slowly, I have already planned out the four weekends that I have left here with trips. Let's see how it all works out.

I spend most of my days at school painting. Since Rose wants the backgrounds to be painted as well, there is still no end in sight :D But I hope that I will be able to complete everything during my time here. But honestly, it's going to be quite difficult because I also have lessons with the children from time to time, which I really enjoy.

Above all, I am very happy when the children come to me in the morning and greet me with 'Auntie, please good morning' and say goodbye to me after school with 'Goodbye Auntie' (which the children pronounce really sweetly). It's a great feeling to see that the children also have fun and remember the things I teach them. They also proudly show me their notebooks that they bought especially for the German lessons.

During the breaks, I often receive chocolate, candy or lollipops as gifts. Actually, I don't want to accept it because the children have so little money themselves and I feel really sorry for them when they spend it on me. But the children insist and are always very happy when they can give me something.

Since the children wear school uniforms, you can't necessarily tell how well-off their families are. In Germany, we can often tell by their clothing. However, you can often tell by their shoes. Some have shoes with soles that are almost falling off or huge holes in them. But it's also shocking to see on Fridays during sports when some of the girls wear swimsuits instead of T-shirts because they can't afford separate sports clothes. There are also children who wear old winter shoes as sports shoes, which are not necessary here.

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