Австралия 🥲

Жарияланды: 28.07.2023

Now our journey through Western Australia is really coming to an end. We spent over 70 hours together in the car. It wasn't always sunshine, not just literally. We argued, got on each other's nerves, listened to endless episodes of "The Three Investigators", but also spent over 6200 km together and collected countless impressions. We stuck together when it mattered, laughed, and had fun (I hope) 😜. These are priceless moments that each of us will carry in our hearts in different ways and look back on.

One thing is clear, such a trip is not a normal vacation.

I am very grateful for the time I was able to spend with my family here.

Australia is a fascinating country with wonderful nature and unimaginable vastness (I love it). Personally, Perth didn't really impress me. If I had to compare Perth to Sydney, Sydney would be my clear favorite. Sydney has something... But the big cities are not what makes the country special. It's the roadhouses after 300 km on the highway, the lonely beaches, the sunsets, the wonderful wildlife and fascinating nature, and so on.

We're about to board the plane now and then we'll be traveling halfway around the world via Singapore and Frankfurt to Amsterdam. We'll arrive in Amsterdam on Saturday morning and then drive home with our car...

My personal highlights: the vastness and Coral Bay

Thanks to everyone who accompanied us.


Жауап (1)

Tja, auch so eine schöne Reise geht mal zu Ende. Aber, alles was Ihr erlebt und gesehen habt, bleibt. Das kann Euch keiner nehmen.

Саяхат есептері Австралия