The last days on board

Жарияланды: 21.08.2017

Only 6 days separate me from the long-awaited return to my beloved Thuringia - home to all my loved ones who are eagerly awaiting my arrival. I am just as excited about the upcoming time with my parents and friends, but of course, I am also a bit sad to leave my 'home away from home.' After many adventures, exciting days on land, and long nights at sea, I am just a stone's throw away from my familiar surroundings. It's crazy how quickly time flies by, and it's a shame that I will have to say goodbye to my dear colleagues soon.

Overall, this final trip (despite the rainy weather) was filled with many experiences in Greenland and Iceland that will surely stay in my mind for a long time. Celebratory nights, including our overnight stay in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, had their own charm and created many great moments that will be remembered as part of our time together. On our way back to the ship, we noticed the impressive Northern Lights in the night sky. This phenomenon forms a kind of framework for my time at AIDA, as I also started with Northern Lights during the first trips in wintry Norway. Unique and inspiring! Additionally, during this trip, we finally navigated the Prince Christian Sound Passage on our way to Greenland. On the crew deck at the bow of the ship, a beverage station with hot chocolate and ice was set up for us. Thanks to well-regulated working hours, we could take part in this fascinating spectacle and experience the goosebump-inducing feeling up close. Definitely worth recommending, to admire this impressive landscape.

Some slight stomachaches accompany me on my last stretch, but I am well and enjoying the final moments on the ship!

Ahoi and see you soon in good old Germany!

Жауап (1)

Hallo liebe Sophie, jetzt bist Du schon wieder zu Hause bei Deinen Lieben!! Danke ganz doll dass Du uns an der aufregenden Zeit teilnehmen lassen hast! Das war so schön zu lesen, dazu die herrlichen Fotos. Obwohl es mich ja nicht gerade auf ein Schiff zieht (ich würde wohl die meiste Zeit über der Reeling hängend verbringen...) haben mich die Bilder doch echt sehnsüchtig werden lassen. Vor allem Schottland (das ja nun schon seit 15 Jahren auf meiner Wunschliste ganz oben steht) und die beeindruckenden Bilder im Reich der Eisberge und Wale haben mich totel berührt. Dann genieß jetzt erst mal die Ruhe, erhol Dich ordentlich und lass es Dir nach der anstrengenden Zeit gut gehen! Sei lieb gedrückt von Kerstin und vielleicht bis bald mal!!

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