Pack #2

Жарияланды: 23.10.2016

Image 1&2: This is the crazy but sooo lovable Otto! Unfortunately, Otto comes from an unlucky litter, many of the puppies had physical or mental impairments. Otto is a bit goofy, always excited and lively, but really sweet and physically fit. His biggest enemy is the harness, and he only lets himself be put in and out by Corinna and Regina with the help of some tricks and treats. But once he is harnessed, he pulls great and even has leadership potential! However, he sometimes has really bad tantrums and thinks everything is horrible, which is why he was not allowed to take on this responsible position. Anyway, I've totally fallen in love with him and think he's great just the way he is :)

Image 3: Mr. Schröder, the troublemaker. Named after a bookseller from Hamburg, please don't ask me for details :D Schröder is a little disproportionate, he has a pretty short back for his long legs, so he always walks a little hunched over and sometimes when he's harnessed he reminds me of a kangaroo :D The mischievousness is ingrained in him, he is always up for a joke and occasionally stirs up the team ;)

Image 4: Well, Sisu. Apparently someone once told her that it's enough to look cute. Therefore, she runs alongside the team as decoration and is very interested in the landscape. In return, she has learned special tricks to make people love her anyway. For example, she can lie down on her front paws, stick her butt up in the air, and make a propeller with her tail :D Unfortunately, it's impossible to capture photographically, but her expression already shows that she knows how to use her feminine charm ;)

Image 5&6: Kodiak runs alongside Sisu and also takes over her job. He is a really strong and active guy. But also the biggest cuddly toy here! He really enjoys being petted and could be cuddled for hours. But he also demands it loudly and often annoys people with his very special squeaking. "Kodiak, QUIET!" is the most frequently shouted command here :D


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