
Christchurch - 185 empty chairs ...

Жарияланды: 19.09.2017

...to honor the 185 victims of the earthquake on 22.02.2011, I can probably best describe the city of Christchurch. A city that still hasn't settled down even after the smaller earthquake last year. Of course, I can say that the city and its people have not lost their kindness, but it still looks more like a construction site. In every street, you can still see collapsed houses and many that are currently being renovated. How such an earthquake must feel is unimaginable for us, and I believe I speak for all three of us when I say that we hope Christchurch can finally find peace.....

Жауап (1)

Currywurst und Ampelmännchentshirt... ich glaub es nicht. Sind bei dem Erdbeben 185 Menschen ums Leben gekommen?

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