
From Vientiane to Luang Prabang

Გამოქვეყნდა: 11.07.2024

Today, we traveled from Vientiane to Luang Prabang by minivan. The minivan, as is typical in Laos, was filled with 18 passengers and the driver, while the luggage was placed on the roof.

Sometimes I wonder why I always subject myself to this bus journey.. 🥵

BUT landscapes and views like the ones today during the trip make pretty much everything bearable. They also boost the motivation to keep pushing on the gas pedal even after almost 3.5 months of traveling 🤗🫶🏽💪🏼


Უპასუხე (1)

Hallo Jens, wenn's zu eng wird im Bus,dann nehme die Kuh! Immer gratis Milch inklusive! Tolle Bilder irgendwie so wie auf dem Esch Grins! Hoffentlich gibt's dort nicht soviel Bremsen bei soviel Natur wie hier! Weiterhin gutes Gelingen und tolle Zeit! Sei vorsichtig und bleib gesund! Beste Grüße

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