Lautoka, Fiji, 20th February 2023

Გამოქვეყნდა: 20.02.2023

Fiji has positively surprised us. It has very beautiful islands with diverse landscapes. However, it doesn't quite have the expected South Pacific feel for us. In our minds, South Pacific is more associated with atolls, palm trees, and flat islands. But Fiji has real mountains and besides palm trees, it also has a lot of deciduous trees. But it is definitely hot and humid.

There is poverty in Fiji as well, but the government seems to be functioning well, and there are functioning free state schools, pension schemes, welfare, and a healthcare system. The standard may not be quite European, of course.

Today we went on a nice excursion and also did some shopping. Maybe Maria will tell us what we bought, among other things.

Tonight we are going to the other side of the main island, to SUVA, the capital of Fiji. Suva seems to be on the wetter side of the island. But during the current season (rainy season), it apparently doesn't make a big difference. During the drier season, the plant life around Lautoka (western side) is apparently more yellow and around SUVA (eastern side), it remains green.

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Sali zämme! Ab jetzt verfolg ich das einisch i de Wuche. Isch ja toll, das Reisetagebuch! LG, Iwan

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