Der Anfang

Გამოქვეყნდა: 09.10.2017

You would think that when you have the journey of your life ahead of you, you would almost explode with anticipation, but with me it was different. I had a strange feeling in my stomach, there was neither anticipation nor great emotions of farewell. It was almost as if I felt nothing but emptiness. But that changed thankfully when I sat in the airplane, looked out the window, observed a beautiful sunset and thought about what awaited me in this big wide world. That was the moment when I started to grin and felt joy in my body. Because I knew I would meet people from so many different cultures and with so many different outlooks on life, and in doing so I would certainly learn a lot about myself! And that's exactly why I decided to take this trip, and now I realize that it's really happening, oh yes, I have joy of life within me!


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