
Sa 9.10. Kerimäki - Savonlinna

Გამოქვეყნდა: 09.10.2021

All day cloudy but dry 

Lake near our cottage

Our cottage in the forest is wonderfully quiet and we sleep in. Today we finally use the bicycles again and ride to the city of Savonlinna, located on several islands in the huge Lake Saimaa, 16 km away.

Unfortunately, most of the way there leads along busy roads, but luckily the last 10 km have a bicycle path. 

From a bridge to one of the islands of the city, we can already see the Olavinlinna fortress. It is majestically located on its own small island, only accessible from the city by bridge. 

The outdoor facilities of the fortress can be visited for free, and it is noticeable that some tour groups have found their way here.

From the fortress, we drive into the city, looking for a restaurant for lunch, but unfortunately many are already closed. Fortunately, we still find a pizzeria, eat there, and then take a trip to a small island behind the casino, which can only be reached on foot or by bicycle via a bridge.

This island is wooded and peaceful, inviting long walks.

Afterwards, we look for another way back to our cottage, but end up riding along the E 14 again. However, the cozy cottage awaits us, and we spend the late afternoon and evening in front of the fireplace and in the sauna.


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