Villa de Leyva, tranquility and reflection

Გამოქვეყნდა: 23.02.2022

Villa de Leyva, a charming colonial town two hours north of Bogota, promised tranquility above all, and this promise was easily fulfilled. Unlike in other colorful towns, Villa de Leyva was dominated by white-washed houses with tiled roofs and an oversized main square, allegedly the largest in Latin America.

I spent the day with Ira, whom I already knew from Bogota and who had also been traveling for months. We climbed one of the surrounding peaks, from where we could see far into the country. Nature, long conversations continued over coffee and cake, a walkable, almost empty old town, unpretentiousness, a short thunderstorm in the afternoon... all in all, a silky day that felt good.

In the evening, we had a piece of pizza, exchanged stories with the hostel roommates, and went to bed.


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