Getting up is nice

Გამოქვეყნდა: 18.01.2024

January 19, 2024

10 hours of sleep. Once again they were really necessary. Splendid. No appointments, no tasks, no obligations. This morning we played several long-unheard songs that came to mind. We like music in the morning, it somehow lifts the mood even more, gives us motivation and makes us sing crazy. At some point the song “Getting up is nice” came on and we had a catchy tune for several hours. There are really more recommended songs for the first few hours of the morning.

We were completely dehydrated because we didn't drink enough yesterday. After our hearty breakfast, we stocked up on water and made ourselves comfortable in bed for a moment. At some point we found motivation to go to the beach. Sometimes we remind each other what we should take with us, what we should apply, etc. Once everything was checked, we set off. We bought a pink Frisbee a week ago because we thought it would be super cool for the beach. We even traded successfully. And we took her to the beach a few times after that, but she couldn't get out of the backpack. Today was the day! It was supposed to be used today, that's what we had planned. Halfway to the beach, Nina said, “I’m really looking forward to playing Frisbee!” And Ronja replied “….shit Nina, I forgot the Frisbee.” - okay, so back again. We have time - what a luxury!

It was really warm on the beach and we basically went straight into the sea with lotion on and played with the Frisbee. In addition to catching the warmth and tan, we completely forgot about time. At short notice we thought about enjoying the sunset from our recently discovered vantage point. So on the way back to the hotel we grabbed a fruit shake and jumped in the shower. Our holiday acquaintances were waiting for us on the scooter to give us a lift. After a 10 minute drive we were rewarded with a view that reached a whole new level. We were very happy to be there! Together we watched the sun disappear once again behind the cloudy horizon over the sea. We simply can't get enough of the interplay of the many colors. Since we were hungry, we ordered a Pad Thai and ate on the viewing platform overlooking the sea.

We ended the day with a beer in our well-known beach bar.

It was pretty quiet today. But for us, that is sometimes extremely important.

Until tomorrow

Ronja & Nina

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