
Გამოქვეყნდა: 20.11.2018

20.11.2018 first day at buffelsdrift game lodge

This morning I woke up at 04:15 to get ready and eat some breakfast. Of course while I wad getting ready I woke up my roommate aswell but she already wasnt my biggest fan so it doesnt matter.

I ate some croissants with milk that I bought yesterday. Then I brushed my teeth and packed everything. At 5 craig walked in and was happy to see me ready.

We drove through the city for about 20minutes and then arrived at the intercape bus station. I said goodbye to craig and made my way to the bus that would take me to the stop George in about 6 hours.

We stopped twice but it had started to rain so I stayed inside the bus.

20minutes late we arrived at George here 'Lu' waited for me to drive me to the buffelsdrift lodge.

After a while were I did shortly fall asleep we arrived at the lodge in oudtshoorn. Lu drove me to the tents were I met mariné she was one of the coordinators and showed me around.

My tent was pretty big since it was for 4 people. However there were only 2 other volunteers here and they both had their own tent aswell. 3meals were prepared daily by our chef Whitney. There is a tent with the kitchen and benches next to the our sleeping tents.

It was a lot colder and quieter here than in namibia. After the little tour mariné went back to the main camp. I took a shower, a quick one, because just like with the other tents the shower was outside and there was a not to friendly wind blowing which made this a very cold experience.

I stayed and got settled in my tent, after a while and in the middle of the rain the other volunteers came. Leah & Larissa from Germany they have both been here a while and are enjoying it so far.

We talked a bit and played some cards, it was a quite relaxing evening.

I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed, I need a lot more clothes and sheets here since its pretty cold and windy. Bzt we got an 'electrical heat beds' which should warm up quite nicely.

Უპასუხე (2)

He lieverd, heel fijn dat je goed aangekomen bent! Hopelijk wordt het net zo leuk als Namibie! We kijken uit naar al je verhalen, fijn dat je weer internet hebt XXXX Papi en mami

Hallo weer goed aan gekomen, altijd weer spannend. En je kunt ook weer schrijven, nu ga ik weer verder lezen.