Koh Samui - Hello, where are you going?

Გამოქვეყნდა: 26.02.2019

Already day three on Koh Samui and only now we are able to maintain the blog. We have already experienced a lot, beautiful and exciting things... but in order.

Our arrival at the hotel was unspectacular, the room had probably been unused for some time and above all not ventilated ;-)... The humidity outside and also in the room was enormously high. Quickly resolved thanks to the air conditioning.

The immediate surroundings of the hotel are a bit more touristy than we would like. But once you hop on a moped, you are in more original and quiet corners in a few minutes, which are beautiful.

Speaking of hopping on a moped.... yesterday our ride with it provided us with an exciting day. Without a helmet, completely Thai style, we ended up in a police check. By the way, there were also about a hundred other scooter riders with us. Then we were parked in a queue to pick up our ticket. Here we got to know very nice people who had as much fun with the situation as we did. After 15 minutes, the data was recorded and we were sent to the next police station to pay for it there. Unfortunately, the directions to that were also in Thai style and three policemen described three different routes. Together with the other three from the queue, we set off. To cut a long story short, we got to know the whole island as well as 5 police stations and in the fifth one we finally got rid of our money with a very nice officer (... we believe that we were the only people who actually paid for their tickets...). After everything was done, we said goodbye to the others and went back to the hotel. On the way home... you won't believe it, we ended up in a police check again. But this time with a helmet (phew). A very serious police officer placed his hand on Rainer's shoulder a bit anxiously and asked where do you go. Before we could answer, he was called away by colleagues and we were able to drive on.

Food on the flight from Bangkok to Koh Samui
Food on the flight from Bangkok to Koh Samui

Finally, slightly burned after three to four hours in the blazing sun, sitting on the balcony of our hotel with a cold beer in hand, the others suddenly passed by below. They happened to be staying in the same hotel. We were all so delighted that we spent the evening together... well, the evening turned into the night :-).

Today we were extremely tired and still slightly hungover on a long-tail boat. It had, fittingly to our condition, extreme waves and it was not quite clear what made us feel sick ;-). The first snorkeling tour and a good tom yum with shrimps (spicy and sour soup, very tasty) brought us back on track. Beautiful beaches and mangroves followed. We have uploaded a few pictures and impressions here, only a few due to the very poor internet connection, let's see if it works better later, then we will add a few more shots. Tomorrow we will drive into the interior of the island, the day after tomorrow we will continue to Ko Phangan. We will get in touch again from there.


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