Ballangen - September 4th

Გამოქვეყნდა: 05.09.2019

We wake up a bit later, 9.30 am... oops...! Finally, it's raining... we've had enough of rain, it's getting boring. We're thinking about staying one more night and using the time to write and read, but we feel like we need to keep moving.

Jörn is also getting fed up with white sandy beaches and turquoise water... hahaha... no, of course not, but we've pretty much explored everything here and we're eager to see something new. So we're moving on... in the rain and wind... and with a squeaking wiper blade.

We consider taking the ferry from Lødingen to Bognes (ferry time about 50 minutes), but looking at the wavy fjords, we decide against it, better safe than sorry!

We drive along the east side and this time we hardly cross any bridges, but we pass countless tunnels. The longest is 6 km long, on the other side we see cyclists coming towards us... well, have fun in the tunnel... but at least it's 6 km without rain and dry...!

Other tunnels go under the fjord. We descend a total of 110 meters, surrounded by tons of water, it's like an underground ski jump.

Every time we hope that at the end of each tunnel we'll see not only light but also the sun... in vain... only rain. You can't drink and observe here as much as it rains, who's going to pay for all of this! At least we still have temperatures above zero. Around 10 degrees. The shorts keep sliding further down in the clothes box, damn it!

We check the weather in Norway... it snowed in Central Norway... uhh, then we prefer rain. We leave the Lofoten Islands, which are crying about it, in the form of rain of course, and continue towards Narvik, the Norwegian mainland. It's raining here too... great...! In the afternoon, we reach a place in Ballangen, it's completely dead here, although in the summer it's definitely packed. Jörn is totally in love with the new bathrooms here... they're really nice. But if you're not careful, the crabs here will steal your beer :)

Right in front of the place there's a pizzeria, the ugliest one we've ever seen, the canteen in the tax office in Velbert is nicer...!

That's why we take the pizza with us and sit in the really beautiful campsite kitchen here and enjoy our pizza, delicious...! Two large pizzas for about 300 NOK, that's a good deal.

We spend the evening here in the cozy kitchen and I finally manage to sit down at the computer, sort photos and continue working on the blog. I'm not finished at 11 pm, but I'm tired and can't think of anything else... there have been so many experiences. I decide to set the alarm for 7.30 am the next morning and finish writing this.

On the way to bed, we catch a very faint glimpse of the Northern Lights, and it's finally dry and we go to bed content!

PS: We're very happy about your feedback and that you like the blog so much, and that we can take you on this journey with us a bit! Sending you hugs and kisses... we miss you too... a bit... otherwise we don't miss anything here :)

...maybe the sun!

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Und was ist mit der Mutti ?

Freue mich schon auf die nächsten Stories und natürlich auf MissionSurf hoffe ohne Regen!

Dann schließe ich mich denn Marcel mal an und freue mich auch sehr auf euch alle in Frankreich 😊Und vor allem auf tolle Tage und Abende mit euch und euren Geschichten 🤙🏻

In den Werbeanzeigen unter dem Artikel sehe ich eine Möwe, die Krebse fängt, muss von der skandinavischen Bierindustrie sein und jede Menge Polarlichter. Ich wünsche euch Sonne und Regenpause 🤗👍 beste Grüße aus MG

Fantastische Bilder und tolle Blogs. Eure Erlebnisse bei den "Schlechtwettertagen" werdet ihr auch nicht vergessen. Ab jetzt , ich verspreche es euch, auf den Weg in den Süden ,werdet ihr bestimmt viel Sonne und angenehme Temperaturen haben und ihr könnt die kurze Hose wieder hochziehen. Ich wünsche es euch. Einen dicken Schmatzer auch an Jörni. Papa

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