Borjomi, the city in the mountains

Გამოქვეყნდა: 07.04.2018

We spent three nights in the freezing city of Borjomi. It was below freezing at night and shorts weather during the day. Luckily, there's the onion layering system. :D

We went hiking, visited the cave city of Vardzia, and Lorenz went swimming in a hot spring. It was too cold for me to join.

Now here are some pictures of Borjomi and a paragraph from the Wikipedia entry about Vardzia. I had read a bit about the city because I was interested in it. The stories will come later when we're back home. (:

The paragraph from Wikipedia:
Vardzia was carved into a rock wall that rises about 500 meters from the valley. The builders used protrusions and recesses to create interconnected deep caves, connected by tunnels, stairs, terraces, and galleries. Originally, 3,000 apartments were built on up to seven floors, providing space for 50,000 people. Each apartment consisted of three rooms. There was a treasury, a church, a library, bakeries, stables, and baths. Water flowed through ceramic pipes.


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