
Koh Chang Part 2

Გამოქვეყნდა: 07.11.2016

Mon, 07.11.2016

Today we walked along the left side of the beach and headed to 'Mamas Bungalow Resort'. There, they actually serve delicious cheese spaetzle that can easily compete with the ones we have in Allgäu. Of course, I had to try them myself 😉

And let me tell you... they were amazing... and that in Thailand 😁

Anyway, we also found out that there is a freshwater lake on the inner part of the island, where you can spot some exotic birds (I already photographed one today on a tree near our beach 😉

That's our plan for tomorrow... Off to the lake we go.

Უპასუხე (2)

scho scheeeeee halt.... 😒


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