NordSeaCycleTour 2018 ich will dann mal weg  
NordSeaCycleTour 2018 ich will dann mal weg

Übernachtung der besonderen Art - Back to the Highlands

Გამოქვეყნდა: 07.06.2018

We reached the northernmost tip of Scotland in beautiful weather and strong headwinds on 05.06..... John O’Groats is a very small place and only well known because of its location in the UK. Here begins or ends the Route 500 - a very popular tour among cyclists and motorcyclists. Many German motorcyclists are also here.

Now we were actually supposed to take the train, but since we drove through the Highlands under cloudy skies and fog, we decided to drive the route again from north to south and in sunshine.

Our plan is working perfectly, we're heading back into the mountains in perfect weather. On the way there, we noticed a lonely inn with accommodation - that's where we want to stay.... nothing but nature as far as the eye can see.... and we're lucky, even though all rooms were booked except for a single room, the hosts managed to provide us with a room with three beds. We only found out later that another guest had willingly vacated his room for us.

We arrive at the inn in a exhausted state in the evening...we actually managed to cover 110 km (with tailwind), an achievement. In addition to the three of us, there are five other guests in the inn. We were eagerly awaited for dinner, it is customary here for all guests to have dinner together. After a brief check-in, all guests are led into the dining room - a table is set for all eight guests. Then the host comes and asks us to say a communal prayer.... a bit surprising, but everyone joins in. The food is served, like at mom's house, all dishes freshly prepared. There is a soup as a starter, then potatoes and homemade red cabbage, along with a poultry pie.... and a dessert. With the familiar atmosphere, all guests quickly engage in conversation between meals - a great experience.

It is already 9 p.m. by now... the bar is open.... we just manage to have a whisky (recommended by the landlady) and a beer, then we fall into our beds. In the morning, there is an original Scottish breakfast, also here everything freshly prepared - what a start to the day, this overnight stay will surely stay in our memories for a long time.


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