Final stop, please disembark!

Გამოქვეყნდა: 25.03.2019

OK, no one likes a know-it-all, but...

I have already taken this as an absolute must after the first three stops of my journey:

If I stay somewhere for more than three days, I will take a bus or tram on one day and ride it to the last stop.

It just happened in Berlin and Vienna, and I have firmly planned it for Bratislava today.

And what you see and experience there is interesting.

It's not the tourist center, the 'hotspots', the historic old town, the cool cafes and galleries, but that's also Bratislava.


Უპასუხე (1)

Herr Schröder, das muss ich jetzt mal sagen: Dein Reiseblog gehört mittlerweile für mich jeden Tag dazu.