20.02.2020 from Soroa to Vinales

Გამოქვეყნდა: 22.02.2020

20.02.2020 from Soroa to Vinales

After a very fine, small breakfast we say goodbye to our hosts. They made a lot of effort to please us. There are 2 options today to reach our destination, via the Autopista or via the national roads, and we decide spontaneously to use the pothole-ridden roads patched hundreds of times to see a little more of the countryside and rural life. With maps me, a highly recommended map system, we make good progress, we stop in the villages, looking for beer and water. Once there is water and we stock up on 2 large water bottles to the delight of the seller and with all the attention of the locals. Even better, we negotiate with a very young woman for 5 small cans of beer. The payment in half CUP and half CUC, including the conversions, is even difficult for the young woman. Whether the bill is correct in the end, we cannot verify. It doesn't matter either.

The people are busy, apparently everyone is working, there are schools in every village, the young people can be recognized by their school uniforms. Men plow the fields with wooden plows and oxen in front of them. Very old tractors spread a bad air. Horse and oxen carts are part of the scenery. Trucks with wooden cabins transport people from one village to another. It's a different world.

Arriving at our hotel with a breathtaking view of the hill landscape, all these shortcomings are forgotten. We drink our beer at the bar, jump into the pool, and prepare for a tour of the village in Vinales. In the supermarket, we admire the nothingness. Because except for a few cans of beans and tomatoes and Hellman's mayonnaise, there is nothing.

The church only shows us its closed doors, in the cultural center 2 interested, presumably German couples want to understand how to dance Salsa. We go eat, the guide writes, "Zur Olive" is good, and we are thrilled, lamb and goat are on the menu.


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