Tours-blois 72km

Გამოქვეყნდა: 15.05.2024

The night was very cold again, so I put all my jackets over my sleeping bag. This way I was still able to sleep well and warm all around.

The birds woke us up promptly at half past six and then we were greeted by the sun. What a relief.

After we packed everything up, we set off and left the city on good cycle paths. The ride took us over vineyards and through fields. Every now and then we made a detour into a village and that's how I gained altitude and started to sweat. The sun also warmed us up a bit despite the breeze. We passed the castle in Chantillon. We saved ourselves the climb and enjoyed it from a distance.

A little later we went for a coffee in a village in Amboise. It was nice and warm inside and what was interesting was that there were guests of all ages. At 1.60 euros per coffee, that's understandable. We were in the midst of the local population. We stayed there for quite a long time and were then able to move on, well warmed up.

Lunch consisted of warming up the leftover pizza from yesterday in a frying pan, which was very tasty. We also had the sun again and a place where there was no wind.

Since we didn't want to spend another night in the cold and without a warm place to stay in Blois (we know the campsite), we decided on a hotel and found a nice one in the north of Blois. The way there was a bit bumpy and along winding paths. But after a detour to the park and asking around, we found the right way.

When we arrived at the hotel, we had to wait a bit to get the keys.

First we put Urs's bike in the basement and then I went to get the car on the other side of town (by bike). On the way back we filled up the tank and then finally took a hot bath in the hotel. What luxury.

In the evening we had dinner in a fine restaurant called "Chez Lucette". A restaurant that the owner built as a lifelong dream. He actually already has countless bakeries. The restaurant seems like it's from another time. The whole decor is very well chosen and the menus are all under 15 euros. That's part of the concept.

Now we're going to watch a film in the hotel and tomorrow we're going back to Switzerland by car.


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