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Bike tour through Vallée de Thouet

Გამოქვეყნდა: 13.09.2022

I quote 'Robinson Jr.': What are they playing today? - 'The sea' - Again the sea?!?!

We decided to dive into the countryside and watch a different 'movie'. The plan was actually to go to Futuroscope today, but as it happens with plans ... reality gets in the way and the fantastic amusement park of the future is only open on weekends. We spent today with a nice bike tour along the Thouet and unexpectedly discovered the interesting town of Thouars. The landscape reminded me a little bit of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania; wide fields, a few villages on the right and left, many old houses - sadly old, chic old, venerable old, small and old, big and old. But of course, there are also normal new single-family houses, well maintained and dilapidated... just like in our country. However, their 'weekend properties' look much more spartan. There is no bungalow, mostly just a table with chairs, sometimes a grill - incomparable to our weekend castles. But there are still many crayfish here, which reminded us of our childhood.

Thouars reminded me a little bit of Neuruppin - very rich in history with beautiful buildings, but somehow dead quiet.

Once again, we are parked on a municipal parking lot. As often, French cities offer free motorhome parking. You are in the middle of the town, can drain and refill your water, and sometimes there is even a toilet (important for us). How this is financed is a mystery to us, but we gladly take advantage of the offer occasionally.


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