Tag 18

Გამოქვეყნდა: 12.08.2023

This morning we went to feed the calves and had breakfast. Today there were only two cabins to clean, so I finished relatively quickly.

After that, the horses went back to the big pasture to graze.

For lunch, we had burgers.

Then I went shopping in the village with Ingveldur and got to help choose a cake and candles, as her son, who arrived yesterday, has his birthday today.

We didn't have the cake until around half past five because he and another friend who is here at the moment were doing something with cement at the cabins on the construction site and couldn't leave it until tomorrow. The cake was absolutely delicious, but really rich. Basically, it was just chocolate and sugar XD.

At half past seven, I brought the horses back to their normal pasture. By now, it's going really well and the horses already know what I want from them when the fence is open.

After that, we fed the calves again and had steak with potatoes for dinner.

I didn't go on Demon tonight because we had a late dinner and also because I didn't sleep much. Apparently, Ingveldur's son wasn't feeling well last night and he had to vomit several times. They had to call an ambulance in the middle of the night because he was feeling so bad, and he didn't come back until around half past two. So there was a lot of commotion until around half past three this morning, and no one could sleep properly. But he's feeling better now.

See you later.



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