Arrival in Tokyo

Გამოქვეყნდა: 02.03.2023

Finally, we have arrived after an 18-hour flight. We are trying to navigate around the airport and even find an affordable train to Tokyo. We still have a little hike to our accommodation, but luckily, we find it quickly.
After a short break, we naturally start exploring the surroundings. We discover romantic side streets, the Asakusa Temple, and enticingly fragrant restaurants... We are hungry for Ramen ;)

Უპასუხე (1)

Die Bilder sind richtig toll… Danke für Euren Blog! Das mit Euch vor dem Sushi Restaurant ist so weit mein Lieblingsfoto. Ich freue mich so sehr auf Eure weiteren Berichte!! Grüßle aus Stuggi, Kento

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