Გამოქვეყნდა: 05.11.2016



Today was once again a day with more activities. The alarm clock rang at 6 o'clock and it was off to sports.... yoga and aqua aerobics! Getting up at this time on a Saturday at home is unimaginable and definitely not for sports, but here every day is a Saturday so you can do that. Today was also the hottest day in Brisbane so far, with temperatures up to 35 °C... pure summer.

So after sports, we went to the Botanical Garden and then went shopping 😁😍.

There are just so many amazing shops here, I couldn't resist. To appease Mom - the loot wasn't that big, after all, we have to save 😉.

After the "exhausting" shopping trip, we went to Southbank Park for a swim. We had to take advantage of the beautiful weather somehow, and in the afternoon the temperatures were at least bearable.

Only one day left in Brisbane.... Tomorrow is already the last day and a week has passed... time flies. Starting from Monday, we will have the camper, the "luxury hostel life" is over, and we're heading north to Airlie Beach to the Whitsundays.


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