

Diterbitake: 11.11.2019

On Friday morning, October 11, 2019, I enjoy a fried egg with sausages and salad at Dos Guesthouse after taking an obligatory walk around the block with Rango. Then we pack up our stuff in our Russian car and check out. We drive to our trusted tire dealer and have the newly purchased tire rotated. The mechanic made a mistake and mounted the tire in the wrong direction. After consulting with the boss, the correction is done free of charge and we can go to the cobbler. The cobbler was supposed to contact me when my hiking shoes are ready. Even without notification, we are lucky as the man just returned from a funeral and has already repaired my shoes. Looks like solid craftsmanship. Then we continue east. We want to drive to Issyk Kul and find a spot for fishing. We reach Balyktschy, at the western end of the small inland sea, around half past three and cook a coffee at the city beach. On the way to the lake, we were stopped twice by the police, and the second stop costs us 2000 Som. We were going a bit too fast when entering Balyktschy. After a short coffee break (it's windy near the water), we look for a place to camp along the lakeshore and find one on the second attempt. We set up our camp and end the evening with lentil chili and bread.

Saturday greets us with sun. After breakfast, we search for a workshop in the small town with Schrotti. We had once again struggled with low engine power on the way to the lake. The young mechanic takes a test drive and can't find any performance deficits (Schrotti is showing off his best side), but he criticizes the condition of the clutch. In my opinion, the clutch is one of the few parts of Schrotti that is still in good condition. Then we go as clueless as before to the local bazaar. Here, we stock up on fresh greens and I can get a sheep's stomach for Rango. Back at our tents, the Dicke can indulge in his delicacy while I set up our fishing bait. Corn and soaked oats will hopefully attract some hungry fish. Then we have coffee and cookies, relax by the lake, and enjoy the beautiful surrounding landscape. Unfortunately, no fish showed up in the afternoon, so we have cucumber salad with boiled potatoes for dinner. We retreat to our tents early as it is windy and quite chilly.

We start Sunday (October 13, 2019) with buckwheat and fried eggs, and Rango gets to enjoy the leftovers. While Marcus is getting more cookies in town, I take care of some things at our campsite. I set up a windbreaker, collect some firewood, and dare to take a short swim in the clear water of the cold mountain lake. Occasionally, I reposition the fishing hooks, but there is no activity except for some timid tugs. After coffee and cookies in the afternoon, we spend some more time by the warming fire in the evening before getting under our tarps.

We also spend Monday by the picturesque lakeshore. Besides a short detour to the bazaar (Rango was craving more sheep), we spend the day with unsuccessful fishing, minor repairs, and baking bread. The first attempt over an open fire is only partially successful. The temperature was probably too high, and the bread turned out a bit dark. After removing parts of the crust, it still tastes quite good. While preparing dinner, my gasoline stove gives up, and we have to switch back to a wood fire. Since there is enough firewood at the campsite, it's not a problem. Well-fed and warmed by the fire, the last hours of the day pass by.


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