
Camping tour over the weekend

Diterbitake: 04.11.2015

My weekend

My weekend started Friday afternoon with getting picked up at Glen Waverley Station from a friend of mine. After getting ready with packing everything what's necessary for a camping trip we finally started around 6 pm. The drive took more than 4 hours, even if there aren't too many km over here the distance is still more different than in Europe, everything is larger and wider. It's like a chewing gum basically. You can drive hours and hours without seeing any or just one or two cars, incredible, you are on your own. Then it's better to be with RACV (insurance for the car and other things, this is always in the commercials) in case something happens to the car or if you get stuck somewhere. Anyway we arrived at the camp around 10.30 pm and luckily it wasn't raining. My friend just bought a new tent and it took a while before we figured out where everything goes. His housemate was already there when we arrived and fortunately he had very strong lights for building up the tent in the dark.

The next morning I woke up and listened to the birds. A guy who was sitting next to me on the plane from Frankfort to Delhi told me the birds make different noises and don't sound like the ones in Germany and yes he was right. The sound of them is totally different and interesting to what I have known before. Some sound like an old typewriting machine, some like an old telephone and some just sound like laughter. When I woke up I felt very peaceful as you could only hear the birds and no other noises, it was so calm. A contrast to the city, you are just with the nature and it felt great. This day we went out to collect some wood for the fire to have a barbecue in the evening. The weather was basically changing every few hours, sometimes it rained, then sun, then wind but the worst of all were the flies. Really, really annoying, you were constantly wiping them out of your face, never experienced something like that before. When there was rain, you were lucky they went away. Anyhow we brought the wood back to the camp and for the first time in my life I chopped wood and I was really proud about myself because I have to admit I did a good job. It was fun and if you are angry at some point do this kind of 'sport', it helps you to get away with your frustration. Later that day other friends have joined the camp and we had Caesar salad with cooked chicken from the fire.

The following and last day we decided to go to Mount Terrible, 1325 mtrs high but not at all accessible with a normal car but as all of them had a 4-wheel-drive car it was no problem. The road is so rocky and bumpy that you can only have this kind of car. I was glad that my friend knew what he was doing, some points of the path were so steep that I had to stick to the handle for not bumping too much. It was very impressive as I have never done this before. At some moments on the path I was very euphoric, it felt like having a lot of adrenaline even knowing I wasn't driving. It took around 1 hour to get up there as we were driving slowly. I'm very grateful we made it safe up there and also back down. When we arrived on the top it was a little cold, though better be having a jacket. The view over the Blue Mountains (it's because of their colors) is spectacular and worth it going up there. You have the feeling that you can basically touch the sky. One moment it's cloudy, the next second you see the silhouette of the Mountain Range. The most impressive feeling there is, it's so peaceful and you actually have the impression the air is so much cleaner and fresher. When we went back down and headed to the camp it started to rain heavily. We had to wait at least one hour to get our stuff packed and leave the camp. On the way back we stopped at a little 'town' called Kevington (town is a large term as it contains a pub and a few houses) or better at the pub and had Chicken Parmigiano. Very good and I can definitely recommend it if you ever get there. All together it was a nice weekend and different from the city.


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