Mit uns auf Wethreise
Mit uns auf Wethreise

Manatee ade

Diterbitake: 10.06.2016

We thought about doing something for children and marveling at some animals for the day on Key Largo. On the entire Keys there are a handful of opportunities to see dolphins, even to swim with them for a lot of money. Just marveling was enough for us. I have never seen dolphins myself and did not want to rely on fate and hope to see them purely by chance in the wild. However, since it is always an inner matter of how one feels about the captivity of wild animals, we were actually not quite comfortable with it. However, we turned a blind eye when we found a kind of 'park' which shows dolphin, parrot and sea lion shows for tourists, but the main aspect of the facility has a scientific research purpose and by buying a ticket you also support research around the dolphins. For example, injured/disabled turtles are cared for there, which would not have a chance of survival in the wild.

I simply believe that this is also the truth....

So, after breakfast, into the car, drive down the Keys another hour to the south and there we were. Unfortunately, a little disappointed, but Frederik liked it. We even threw a tire around a sea lion's neck, or rather, he caught it. So mission accomplished.

Back at the hotel, we did the only right thing: into the pool, then into the sea. This time there were jellyfish and actually a manatee tried to come into the shallow water in front of our hotel, but was so harassed by snorkeling guests that he eventually gave up after several slow glides back and forth underwater and swam away. At least we could see his snorting snout a few times.

Since we were on the road for a long time today, Marius brought something to eat to our room and we made ourselves comfortable.

Now it's bedtime - good night, my dears :)
