
13 Tour of Gibraltar

Diterbitake: 29.03.2024

Distance 16 kilometers, cum. 1,034 kilometers | Altitude 150, cum. 7,530

Obviously I like the north more than the southern countries. I didn't experience any surprises like today on my Nordland tour last year.

When I went to pick up my bike in the luggage room of the hotel, the rear tire had no air left. They didn't have an air pump in the hotel, but I was able to buy a pump in a Chinese shop in town. This worked wonderfully and the air remained in the tire. I was excited to see if I could do my Gibraltar tour like this.

I drove off full of optimism, already thinking about the next question. Can I cross the border without a passport and only with my ID?
The quickest way to overcome this limit is by bike. Both pedestrians and cars have long waiting times. I, on the other hand, was able to just drive through and the ID was accepted without any problem.

But then rain came again and later quite strong winds. The only way to get from the east to the west side is through a long tunnel. Then you are right at the southernmost point of Gibraltar, where there is a large mosque and a lighthouse.

This side of the peninsula is where the main part of the city is and there are many tourists. I pushed my bike through the main alley.

There is another border crossing at the airport. But before that you have to cross the entire slope. Here, too, the fastest way is on a two-wheeler. Everyone else has to queue.

At the end of the short ride there was still enough air in the tire. But I'm afraid that I have a very small hole in the tire, which isn't really surprising after yesterday's exertion. So I'll take the pump with me tomorrow and pump it every now and then to keep going. Especially now over Easter I have no option for repairs.


I enjoy more of the north than the mountains above. There was no experimentation like this in my life in Nordland last year. Cuando fui a recoger my bike with the consigna of the hotel, the road trasera no tenía aire. No tenían bomba de aire en el hotel, pero pude comprar una una una tienda china de la ciudad. This function of maravilla and the air permaneció en el neumático. Estaba emociónado de ver si podía hacer mi gira por Gibraltar de esta manera.

I have a lot of optimism, I think about it in the siguiente pregunta. ¿Puedo cruzar la frontera sin pasaporte y solo with mi DNI?

The faster format of the superar limit the bike. Tanto los peatones like los coches tienen largos tiempos de espera. Yo, por otro lado, pude pasar sin más y me acceptaron el documento de identidad sin ningún problema.

Pero luego volvió a llover y luego a vientos bastante fuertes. The unique form of the river is at the beginning of a large tunnel. Entonces estarás justo en el punto más meridional de Gibraltar, donde hay una gran mezquita y a faro.

This part of the península is located in the main part of the city and has many tourists. Take my bike to the main street.

This is outside the frontier and the airport. Before that, I crucified the pendiente. También in this case the camino is more rapid and in a vehicle de dos ruedas. All of them have a little cola.

At the end of the corto recorrido todavía había suficiente aire en el neumático. In my time, I have a little bit of power in the neumático, but it doesn't really have the same effect on the voices of the ayer. Así que mañana me llevaré the bomba y la bombearé de vez en cuando para seguir adelante. Specially ahora, durante Semana Santa, no tengo opción de repair.

Obviously I prefer the north to the southern countries. I didn't experience any surprises like today on my northern tour last year. When I went to pick up my bike from the luggage room of the hotel, the rear tire had no air left. The hotel didn't have an air pump, but I was able to buy one in a Chinese shop in town. It worked wonderfully and the air stayed in the tire. I was excited to see if I could do my Gibraltar tour like this.

I set off full of optimism, but the next question was already on my mind. Will I be able to cross the border without a passport and only with my ID?

This border is the quickest to cross by bike. Both pedestrians and cars have long waiting times. I, on the other hand, was able to just ride through and the ID was accepted without any problems.

But then it started raining again and later it got pretty windy. You can only get from the east to the west side through a long tunnel. Then you are right at the southernmost point of Gibraltar, where there is a large mosque and a lighthouse. The main part of the city is on this side of the peninsula and there are lots of tourists. I pushed my bike through the main street.

There is another border crossing at the airport. Before that, however, you have to cross the entire runway. Here, too, the fastest way is by bike. Everyone else has to wait in line.

At the end of the short ride, there was still enough air in the tire. However, I fear that I have a very small hole in the tire, which is not really surprising after yesterday's exertions. So I will take the pump with me tomorrow and pump it up now and again to get further. Especially now over Easter, I have no opportunity to repair it.

Wangsulan (1)

Am Besten kaufst du dir dann noch einen Ersatzschlauch und Reifenheber😊😉

Bongso Spanyol
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