Griechenland 2023
Griechenland 2023

21. Delphi - at the excavations

Diterbitake: 30.03.2023

Day 21: The travel guide advises being there early if you want to visit the temple complex at Delphi. That's why we are already at the Athena Pronaia Temple before it opens. And indeed, we can look at everything here in peace. But when we move on to the actual sanctuary, we are afraid that everyone has followed this tip. At the entrance to the archaeological museum, we can hardly get through the tour groups, great. But since we are not bound by a fixed order, we can always escape into the rooms that are currently empty. In this way, we can finally look at almost everything in peace. We particularly like the presentations of the found fragments in the context of their original location.

After taking a good overview of the museum, we went to the excavation site around the Temple of Apollo. Here too, we can largely avoid the crowds by careful maneuvering. This must have been really impressive in its heyday, with such artful buildings embedded in this magnificent natural scenery. But in the early afternoon, we are culturally saturated and head to Athens.

Here we are now in the industrial area of a suburb, from where we will take public transportation to the city center tomorrow.


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