
Wir und der Drahtesel

発行済み: 22.01.2018

Today (22.01.18) I was already awake before Tim. The night was not very restful, as a 'roommate' in the middle of the night turned on the fan next to my bed at full speed. So I woke up to loud buzzing and cold. Shortly after I fell back asleep, it started raining heavily. I woke up again because the rain sounded like we were sleeping under a corrugated iron roof. Early in the morning, some people left and others came in and then I had enough. Out of the room and into the fresh air :D

Shortly afterwards, I woke up Tim and we had breakfast for free. Then we rented a bike and rode to Quang Phu Cat Hill. It's 7.2 km away from us. The bike was more like a wire donkey. It has one gear, a crooked handlebar, a tiny and super hard saddle, and the brakes are more bad than right. It took us 45 minutes to get there and it was torture. It went uphill so far. Just before collapsing, we arrived. We felt like the last air pumps :D Once we arrived at the hill, most of the pain was forgotten. It was a large circular sand hill with a depression of 15m in the middle. It was very quiet there and there were some animal tracks in the sand. Exciting. We enjoyed the sand for a little while and then reluctantly made our way back. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as on the way there and it only took us 20 minutes. Nevertheless, we were sweaty and went to shower at the hostel first. Before that, we played a few rounds of Skib-Po and went to eat in the city. We found a cute-looking restaurant from the outside. Inside, they only had pizza, and only Margherita or Seafood, but the owners were very nice. We got tea made from rice leaves and small cookies, and he chatted with us for a long time. He wanted to study in Berlin and become a director, but his wife got in the way. That's why he also learned German at the Goethe Institute for 4 years and played 'Liebe ist' by Nena for us. That's the first song his teacher played for them. It was somehow a little piece of Germany in Vietnam. The restaurant is also a small pub and he sat down at the guitar and played something. When I asked, 'Can we pay', he understood, 'Can we play'. He beamed all over his face and jumped up, making room for us. Unfortunately, we had to disappoint him because none of us can play the guitar or anything else. :D But tomorrow we'll pass by and maybe sing a round of karaoke. After that, I had my second job interview on Skype. Exciting with mopeds driving by and music in the background, but it worked out. Then we went to the local market. It was a fun experience :D There, I wanted to buy a new rain jacket because I'm smart and didn't bring a rain jacket with a hood :( I asked if we could exchange it, but that wasn't possible. Well, I still have a cool new one now! I also wanted to buy new pants because mine suffered heavily from biking today. A huge hole from thigh to butt. But I couldn't find any. Well, I'll find one in the next few days and until then, one will have to do!

Tomorrow we're going to the cave with the moped. We're excited!

PS: Lauron, if you're reading this: Today we were thinking of you when the Vietnamese started playing the guitar. That would have been perfect for you! You could have jammed along :D

答え (4)

Das Top kenne ich ;-)

Und Tessa strahlt wie immer!! Xoxox

Wo bleibt das Foto von der neuen coolen Regenjacke!! :o))

Genau ! Lass mal sehen ;-)