
It's fun to stay at the YMCA!!! oder so :D

発行済み: 08.10.2017

That will now be a longer entry. After all, I have to report on my whole weekend!! It all started on Friday. In the evening, the girls' grandparents came for the weekend. Both of them are really nice. Then my girls arrived around half past ten at night. We all stayed overnight at my flat. From Astrid (from France) we 'learned' that it's called >I'm going to the Luuuuu< not >Luu<. Very important :D

After we eventually fell asleep, we had breakfast together the next day. Finally, around half past 11 (although we wanted to leave at 10), we finally drove to Bristol. Not a particularly beautiful city, but oh well. There we visited the M Shed. A museum about the history of Bristol. It was definitely fun!! Especially Angela and I felt like little children :D Then there were just markets upon markets upon markets. As a conclusion, we had something to eat and then off to Bath.
And where do teenagers sleep better for one night than at the YMCA. It was definitely an experience. The 5 of us girls plus 7 strangers in one room. It was very funny. After all, we didn't have much to do with them. In the evening, we went out with a friend of Vanessa's. First we had fun climbing on the fountain and then we went to a bar and drank delicious cocktails :D
Back at the hostel, we fell asleep relatively quickly. Today we got up comfortably, had breakfast, and then went into town. Vanessa and Astrid went to church to experience an English church service. Chloe, Angela, and I explored the city. This of course included the Bath Abbey, the Roman Bath (even if only from the outside), and the Circus. That one was a bit disappointing. Well, it was just a big square with houses built in a circle. For lunch, we had typical English Fish & Chips. The Jane Austen Centre was nice, even though I only went to the souvenir shop because the others were waiting ;)
We would have had to pay for the park at the bridge, but we didn't feel like it. Around 4 o'clock, we were all so tired that we went back home. It was also a 'long' journey. On the way back, everyone slept, except for me of course :D Then just a shower in the flat and a bit of TV to end the evening and the weekend. That's how it can go =)
