
Tag 29

発行済み: 08.10.2023

Arranged to meet Pepe again today. I'm really looking forward. That will be interesting. He has enormous knowledge. He was actually supposed to work as a tour guide. So we set our sights on Lima. Barranco, Miraflores, the center of Lima. Lima has a beautiful downtown, with many old Spanish houses. Pepe always emphasizes that. Lima is a Spanish city, Cusco is an Inca city. Still very beautiful. We were out quite early, a lot of it was still closed, but you could also take photos without tourists or with just a few. Otherwise you can hardly walk in front of people. It was wonderful. Then we went to Barranco. This is Lima's party mile. Wonderfully maintained, you actually forget where you are. There we had pan con jamon (rolls with boiled ham, onions and chili) which was delicious, but I had to get a second one straight away. Plus (probably noticed in the morning) Chilcano del Pisco. Refreshing drink in which pisco, the Peruvian brandy, lime juice and ginger ale come together harmoniously. You can certainly express it the same way. I was pretty nuzzled afterwards. Hiccuping and giggling, we then went to Miraflores. I've been there twice before, but with Pepe it's somehow new again. At the end of the day, we were still looking for a bus for him because he had to go back to Ayacucho for work. That turned out to be really difficult. The money had to be transferred to the bus agency. We then went to the bank, as a German you think that's the end of it, but not here. We were at 5 different banks, they are not next to each other. In the end I had a total of 35,172 steps on the clock. It was not possible to make this transfer in any bank. Unbelievable. Pepe said in Aycucho that wouldn't happen like that. Well, no transfer made, no bus... He wanted to try again with his brother to get away differently. The possibilities are there, but not so great. When we separated, I had dinner and went back to my accommodation with Abraham and David to pack my suitcase. I really cried, the wonderful time was coming to an end. Oh, I still have to tell you that. Abraham and David are so super nice, we have become real friends. We told God a lot. Spanish, English, translator, hands, feet and so much warmth. So, if anyone wants to go to Lima, write to me... Unfortunately I can't write anymore, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. That's not the case. Somehow I haven't had enough of this country and the people and nature... oh man...

答え (1)

Trotzdem schön, dass du wieder da bist🫶

