
Tag 11

発行済み: 18.09.2023

Well, day 10 was supposed to consist of me flying to Lima and from there to Cusco. Everything looked good this morning. Another little stroll through my new favorite city, buying a little souvenir for little Nina in Cusco, daughter of two good friends, and the flight leaves at 4:50 p.m. But...far from it. First I had to negotiate with the taxi driver again. Once again he wanted twice as much from me as what it would cost. Good, that was settled. In the airport, luggage checked. Unfortunately, I had my power bank in my suitcase, so I had to open everything and get it out. Put the lout in your hand luggage. At check-in, everything was great. Sit and wait... it started to rain. There you could again observe the fantastic construction methods of the Peruvians. Everything above the door was leaking and rain was pouring into the airport. It definitely wasn't the first time. I'm typically German again. Well, it's not my job site. Suddenly something was said that Ines of course didn't understand. I was just surprised that everyone left the hall. Now I went to the stewardess, who was already busy answering questions. Waited until everyone was gone, because Ines now needed time with her hands, feet, smile, half Spanish and a translator. We were able to communicate well. The flight was canceled due to weather. Should leave tomorrow morning at 8:25 a.m., also with a connection via Lima to Cusco. The next thing... take your luggage back with you. A huge snake. I strolled with the stewardess :). But, you can see what kindness means. Then my stewardess came around the corner with my suitcase and brought it to me. How cool was that. So, out again, phoning the taxi driver again, he was even more rude and back to the accommodation where I had already stayed for the week. I had already contacted them at the airport to see if there was still a room. Now I'm sitting here and writing to you. I'll catch up on Netflix and hopefully sleep well. And what can I tell you, I'm excited and looking forward to tomorrow

答え (3)

👍Super Bericht, wirklich spannend🤗

… und tolle Fotos 🫶

Ohne Kaffee geht gar nichts, denke aber er schmeckt klasse. Liebe Grüße Torsten
