
The early bird can go to hell!

発行済み: 02.09.2018

'Oversleeping is just a protective function of the body.'

With this motto, we started at 7.15 am, after initial, naturally easily solvable difficulties, towards the Danish border.

The start of the delayed start was actually the day before, when we suffered from delayed packing stress and to top it off Maxine's phone broke right before the long-awaited sleep. Of course, she immediately had a replacement phone ready, which unfortunately also stopped working half an hour later. So Mama Gabi had to step in. She was so kind to provide a phone from 4 am onwards. So she got up early to receive us. Unfortunately, we didn't show up until about an hour later, as we had fallen so deep asleep that the alarm clock also failed to wake us up. Fortunately, Jenni was alerted by an incredibly beautiful dream that we actually wanted to leave earlier.

So after we arrived in a hurry at Mama Gabi's and the phone was set up, we could finally start. Full of anticipation, we raced off towards Scandinavia. After Düsseldorf, it was time to turn on the diligently loaded MP3 player. Jenni enthusiastically announced that it was safely stored in her handbag. However, she suddenly realized that she had packed everything except her handbag. So... back again! Jenni's incredibly committed brother kindly met us halfway and we met at the Vierwinden motorway service area (near Neuss). Although it was indescribably beautiful and reassuring to watch the rush hour traffic on the A46 motorway, we decided to make a new attempt and start towards Denmark again. Now that everything necessary was finally on board, nothing could go wrong anymore.

And so it was. The journey to Denmark went without major difficulties. No car breakdowns or further organizational problems.

After 8 hours, we finally reached the border crossing from Bremen to Denmark.

After another 4 hours, it was finally time: Hello Sweden! To avoid any further catastrophes, we decided to find a nice spot for the night and settled down at Lake Västersjön in Tåssjö.

We were already fascinated by the beauty of Sweden and fell exhausted but happy into our nicely prepared bed in our campervan.

PS: Of course, we didn't forget our smallest companion: FANTI! 😊

答え (7)

Schön geschrieben....😁😁

Klasse Blog 😊

Es macht Spaß das zu lesen...... Weiter so.

Wirklich schön geschrieben! Hört sich im nachhinein an ,als wäre es richtig lustig gewesen ;-) , Aber Hauptsache am Ende ist alles gut gelaufen, und für manchen von uns hat sich ja durch die Vorgeschichte nochmals eine doppelte/mehrfach Möglichkeit der Verabschiedung ergeben :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Das stimmt. Danke für die spontane Rettung! 😘

hätte auch mir passieren können :-D

Das stimmt wohl 😂
