
See of Galilee

発行済み: 23.05.2019

Hello dear ones, this morning we first took a ride on the Sea of Galilee. Afterwards, we were at the Mount of Beatitudes "Blessed are the peacemakers, etc.". Next, we visited Chorazin with a lunch break by the sea. There was St. Peter's fish. The afternoon program consisted of visiting Capernaum, Tabgha "site of the multiplication of the loaves" and finally we were south of the sea at the Jordan River baptismal site. People from all countries come here and get baptized. Meike and I were totally amazed. A truly moving experience. It's currently over 40 degrees Celsius. The tour is not that easy. See you tomorrow.

答え (1)

Es ist schön, wenn man die Dinge sehen kann, die man aus den Geschichten der Bibel kennt. Wie groß ist der See denn? Das Wasser sieht so glatt aus. Es ist schon eine besondere Reise. Genießt sie.