
Rügen (09.10.2021 Saturday)

発行済み: 09.10.2021

Rügen (09.10.2021 Saturday)

Today was a day of rest. After a cozy breakfast and a few rounds of knitting, we went to a flea market in Göhren. I am still looking for an old box, but the rather small flea market had plenty of clothes and children's items, but I didn't find a box. Destiny. On the way back to the car, we bought smoked fish, then in Baabe we bought the necessary groceries (including coffee and sweets), and then we went home.

Gabi made a salad with blood orange vinegar and chili oil to go with the fish. It tasted delicious.

After a proper digestion break, we visited the sea. Ayko had a lot of fun playing in the sand, preferably throwing it in my direction. When I built a small sandcastle, he tried to help by digging the sand away from where I was piling it up. When I corrected him, he looked at me briefly confused, and then started again. Nevertheless, we managed to build a small castle, not very impressive, but it was fun.

Then I gazed at the sea, breathed the air, and lost myself in the waves. They rushed over the mirrored sea, forming foam crowns and falling together, until new waves crashed onto the beach. Seagrass had been washed up on the beach, and the fresh green of the grass quickly dried and lost its vibrant color in the wind. Dried brown threads were scattered on the beach by the wind, which also played with my hair.

But the tracks of a tractor that collected the beach chairs were not yet blown away, nor were the many footprints of walkers. Another group of walkers appeared. The man had a windswept hairstyle, as his longer hair, which was supposed to cover his bald spot, blew in the wind. It surprises me that there are still men who wear their hair like that.

My gaze returned to the sea, and in the distance, a sailing ship sailed with gleaming white sails in the sunlight. A seagull flew just above the water, and the waves still enlivened the mirrored surface.

In the meantime, Gabi had walked a bit and now returned. Together, we walked back to the house to read and knit. The coziness ended in the evening with a bottle of rosé.

答え (4)

Das hört sich nach einem sehr entspannten Tag an. Schön, deine Schilderungen vom Strandbesuch. Mit Gabi scheinst du ja die richtige Partnerin mitgenommen zu haben.

Bei deiner Strandbeschreibung sah ich mich am Strand liegen konnte das Meer 🥰

Schön, daß ihr den Tag genossen habt ohne Hektik.

Sehr sehr schön … da wär ich gern dabei gewesen 😉