
Odyssey to the Bahamas

発行済み: 20.07.2017

Due to the good preparations from yesterday, we were able to sleep a little longer this morning and only needed to pack the last few things.

Our breakfast consisted of the leftovers from the fridge. Some toast, cheese, orange juice, yogurt, and cream cheese. Not much, but it had to be eaten.

While I walked a few blocks to pick up the car from the apartment, Vanessa struggled to carry all the suitcases downstairs. Everything was loaded and ready to go. Then it was the car's turn again. Refuel again! At the same gas station as yesterday. We parked it in the underground garage at the airport at exactly 10 o'clock. Same procedure as always. Someone scans the code on the window, takes a look inside the car, records the mileage, and voila, you have the receipt in hand and roll your suitcase towards the terminals.

Just like at the other major airports, there was a Skytrain here that takes you from the rental car stations outside to the actual airport. We already know that. A short ride later, we find ourselves at the American Airlines counters. Just like on the last domestic flight, we have to check in ourselves at a terminal here. Completely different from Germany or international flights. We have to confirm our names, scan our passport, declare our luggage twice at $25 each, and this time we can even enter an emergency contact in case something happens to us. We do all of that, of course. In the end, even the stickers for the suitcases and the flight tickets come out of the machine. A bit overwhelmed, a female employee of American Airlines helps us and sticks them to our suitcases or the large one around the handle. We move a bit further and only have to drop off our suitcases and we're almost ready to take off.

Now comes the security check again. Take multiple trays, put the laptop separately in the box, take off shoes and also put them in a box, empty bags and get in line for the full-body scanner. Then we pack everything back up. Or let's just say almost everything. I forget my cap at the counter, but I only realize it a bit later.

Before that, we explored the entire airport. There are countless counters, restaurants, bars, shops, and basically everything you can imagine. Our counter is D60. We are currently at D20, of course we are at the end. It takes 15 minutes to get to the end. Terminal D in Miami is just huge, which is good for next week when we have to stay there for a few hours. We quickly checked where we have to go later and then went back to get the cap I had left behind. And behold, it's still there at the counter I had hastily left earlier. I'm lucky. I've lost my cap twice already and always got it back. Yay.

After a coffee from my favorite coffee shop and a lunch consisting of pizza and lasagna, we find ourselves at the boarding gate. We pass the time until our flight is called. It's going smoothly. Our seats were already booked at check-in, unfortunately not next to each other. But that turns out to be not so bad later.

We walk to the waiting area and then proceed to the airplane. It's a very small aircraft, almost like a private jet, and somehow we end up sitting almost next to each other. There's a single row on one side and a double row on the other. I sit in the single row, Vanessa in the double. We're all set and ready to go, and we start rolling back. But then the plane stops and we drive back to the terminal. The captain makes an announcement. 'Our plane has a problem and we need to have it checked or switch planes.' Some time passes and the gate door opens after another announcement. 'Unfortunately, it can't be fixed so quickly, we apologize, please gather in the waiting area and don't forget your personal belongings.' Great, so everyone exits again. We are asked to wait in the gate area until further instructions are given. We wait for 20 minutes and then receive the information that we will be transferred to a new plane. So we continue waiting. We are taken back to the waiting lounge and are called back to board shortly after. So everyone goes back into the boarding area. We wait in the unbearable heat until a mechanic resolves the situation, there are also problems with the radio and the computer. More time is needed to fix that. So we are sent back to the waiting lounge again.

Time passes slowly and we wait and wait. Our minds are already on the Bahamas. I wonder if our shuttle is still waiting for us? We are now 2 hours behind schedule. Hopefully, this is the last boarding call. Everyone goes back inside the designated area and boards the plane. Hopefully, it works this time. The safety instructions and other demonstrations are fortunately skipped on the second attempt. We wait on the taxiway for the call to take off. The captain makes a final announcement before we finally take off. There's only one flight attendant on board and she doesn't even fasten her seatbelt during the flight. There's also no service during the short 50-minute flight. As soon as we reach cruising altitude, we start descending again. It's quite bumpy flying in such a small aircraft. The landing is also far from pleasant. You notice everything.

We get our suitcases fairly quickly, there weren't many in the cargo hold. Most passengers flew with only carry-on luggage. At customs, we get a new stamp in our passport, as we are now in the United Kingdom of England. But don't worry - the Bahamas are independent.

Almost everyone at the exit asks us if we need a personal pickup or transportation. Everyone is helpful and super friendly. We have to ask around a bit until we find the right pickup point. A friendly driver puts our suitcases in the bus and we wait until all the passengers are there.

On the way to the hotel, our driver tells us a lot about the island and its peculiarities and possibilities. He also tells us everything about its size and the hotels.

The impressions overwhelm us after the long journey. Our hotel is the 4th stop. We enter the lobby and are greeted with a high-five. At the reception, we receive so much information that we can't remember it all. But the most important one was where to have dinner. While checking in, we are also given our first cocktail and the important purple all-inclusive band, as well as the recommended Bahama Mama. Wow, it's starting off great.

Our room is on the 5th floor of the hotel. It's very nice and we even have a dreamy private bathroom. A greeting from our travel agency is also waiting for us. In addition to the trip, we also receive a bottle of wine as a gift. We quickly changed and went directly to dinner in one of the many restaurants included. There's something for everyone at the buffet. We immediately head to the salad bar. In addition, there are many types of meat, fish, vegetables, potatoes, and rice. We try almost everything. The dessert is on an extra large table. Here too, there are simply many delicacies. Cake, fresh crème brûlée, tiramisu, and even an ice cream machine. The first time in a long time we feel really full.

We head to the cocktail bar and the show begins. Promptly at half past 8, a carnival parade, similar to the costumes in Rio, marches through the entrance hall, dancing and playing wild music with trumpets, a big drum, trombones, and rattles. Super. Unfortunately, both our cell phones are in our room.

The hotel offers everything to feel comfortable. We have a large pool, direct access to a small beach, a view of the harbor, a spa area, our own gym, and many small bars and restaurants.

We have finally arrived in paradise. Simply beautiful. We will try everything and enjoy the peace and sun in the next few days. If we want, we can stuff ourselves with food from 5 in the morning until 10 at night, and drinks are available around the clock. Yippee.

Now it's time to rest and sleep...our blog will take a break tomorrow :)



答え (2)

Viel Spaß und Erholung auf eurer letzten Etappe und lässt den Laptop aus. Denkt dran es sind eure flitterwochen.

Katrin hat ja so recht :) genießt die Zeit :) bis bald 😘