
Zurück nach Willalooka

Birt: 03.06.2017

On 3.01 it was time to get up early, pack food and go to the bus stop. After an 8 hour drive, I finally arrived in Keith and it didn't take a minute for Annie to come around the corner. It felt so good to see a familiar face. Back on the farm, everything was as usual and it feels like coming home.

Half an hour later, we had to go to a birthday party. We sat comfortably outside and had delicious food. It seems to be common in Australia to bring your own drinks because everyone had their own cooler box with drinks.

For me, it was time to slowly take on my regular tasks again and get settled. Since friends are coming to visit for a few days, we set up a tent for the kids and cleaned everything.

The next morning, we had to get up early again because we were going to Naracoorte. There is a swimming lake. It used to be a lake, but now they have cemented it and it's more like a public pool, but it's free. Simon's sister lives in Naracoorte and we got a Blue Heeler puppy from her, which we picked up on the way back. The friends from Ballarat (near Melbourne) also came to Naracoorte and we drove home together. A family with 2 children (twins). The mom is an Enjo consultant just like Annie, that's how they met. They were here for a visit for 5 days. We shot rabbits, which is allowed here because rabbits are a plague. I also shot a rabbit, on the first try.

Since it's currently very hot (40°C), we drove to the beach in Robe for a day. But the drive took about 1.5 hours. The "Long Beach" was really beautiful and we spent a lot of time in the water. Since the waves were good, we went boogie boarding. You have about half a surfboard and hold it in front of your stomach. As soon as the wave breaks, it carries you to the beach. However, you have to wait for the right moment. Which wasn't easy for me at first, but I got better and it's so much fun. Unfortunately, it also rubs your thighs easily.

One day, we also spent completely inside the house because with 41°C outside, you can't do much and unfortunately it was too windy for the beach.

When the family left again, Annie went to Robe with Digby and Bonnie. Friends of theirs have a beach house there and they could stay there for a few days. Simon went to a competition with Oscar 2 days later. So I was alone for a few days.

I used the time to make the school cones and enjoy the peace and quiet. Of course, I had my daily tasks and a few special ones, like weeding the vegetable patch.

We spent the rest of the holidays at the beach or the swimming lake for a few more days, celebrated a few birthdays, and had a lot of fun at home.

Just before school started, we had to go to the school to pay the school fees, pick up the school uniform, and get the notebooks and pens. In Australia, the teacher decides what notebooks, pens, etc. the students need for each subject. The list is then given to a shop and they prepare everything. We had to pick it up there and pay for it. So every child has the same things.

Digby was really excited because it meant that it finally started for him.

On January 26th, it was Australia Day. The national holiday in Australia. The village had organized a small program. Apart from honors and speeches, a few things were presented. 3 kids showed a lasso show and Shannon, the world champion in sheep shearing, demonstrated a part of his training school. A few pictures by local artists were also exhibited.

Since Oscar's new school is in Adelaide and he will be staying with friends in Hahndorf, he went there with Simon one day before school started. That's why we had pancakes for breakfast and I distributed my school cones. They were really happy and they always enjoy when you explain something about German culture.

Now it was time for Digby's first day of school. They don't have a specific enrollment like we do. The mothers bring the kids to the class on the first day and then they immediately leave again. The classroom looked a bit like kindergarten. Lots of pictures and rows of letters and numbers on the wall. The tables were small and round and everything was still very playful. But they start school at the age of 5. It's maybe somewhat comparable to our preschool.

The first 2 weeks were really exhausting for Digby. He was always very tired. He now had to get up early every day. In kindergarten, he only had 3.5 days a week. That's why he was very whiny and quick to cry.

After 7 weeks, it was time to say goodbye for a long time this time.

I had another wonderful time. Learned a lot, survived temperatures over 40°C, found new favorite Australian TV series, helped vaccinate cattle, helped sort sheep wool, and had a mini panic attack when I walked through a giant spider web including a spider. You never know what's dangerous and what's not here.

Annie & I
Annie & I

But now it's time to see my real family. Laura and Christine are on their way. :)


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