Along comes Polly...
Along comes Polly...


Birt: 02.07.2022

Since the beginning of our journey, we have had a slight problem with Polly's weight, so we want to avoid the highways and instead travel through the countryside. We rely on the GPS lady and soon find ourselves in the middle of the forest on gravel roads. Hoping that these road conditions will only last for a short while, we continue driving. After about 20km, we realize that the border crossing will take place in the middle of nowhere in the forest. We see a small border house, which is unoccupied. Today is Midsummer and a holiday in Sweden, so the roads are rather empty. After what feels like hours in the forest, we finally see a paved road again and we're on our way to Lillehammer. We spend a night at a rest area in Lillehammer with a fantastic view of the city and the ski jump hill.


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