
Adventure "Growing Old"!😇

Birt: 06.07.2022

Who can't empathize with the feeling that comes over a person just before the last third of the adventure called "being human"?

Even I feel torn between euphoria, desire for new things, and uncertainty about what awaits me.

Now, I am definitely a well-planned person who has already played out a plan or at least possibilities for whatever contingencies may arise, so as not to be completely unprepared. But how does that go again... first, things don't always turn out as you expect😅

I'm healthy, fit like... well, I can still climb a few dozen stairs😈Tomorrow, EVERYTHING could look different.

Nevertheless, even in my "restless retirement," I intend to bring structure to my daily routine, in order to do justice to my health and body on the one hand, and to nourish my mind on the other, because satisfaction is not just about putting your feet up. I believe that every person needs daily achievements, the feeling of having accomplished something, and being satisfied with oneself!

Especially in my ideas of how I imagine my last 30 years, I have made enormous progress.

The financial possibilities are defined. But there is still something. What remains at the end of a life when you look back on it?

I have "planted a tree," "built a house," and "fathered a child"...

Is that the definition of a fulfilled life? Maybe. I can't complain. I have the best daughter a father could wish for - and if I could - with the knowledge of today - turn the clock back 40 years - I would want to live again with every woman! The time we spent together was great - even if at some point it no longer "fit."

Or... as a wise person once said? I would gladly make every mistake again... just earlier - then I would have enjoyed it longer😅!

On the way to answering the question of what remains after a lifetime, I have decided for myself to give more in the future. I want to use my modest means and get more involved, where before I only donated small amounts of money and tried to appease my conscience. If you open your eyes, you will always find somewhere that help is needed.

Is it because I want to appease my conscience, thinking that I have never done enough? I don't know. Maybe. But... is that important? I'm looking forward to it!

It's all nothing - unless you do it!
