janika's adventure
janika's adventure

Air Quality & Special Features in Hong Kong

Birt: 08.08.2019

This morning on the way to work, I was 'overwhelmed' by the humid, very warm air in front of the hotel. It was 34 degrees and the sun was shining. I ran through the park for part of the way to work, and what I had noticed on other days as well, is the many people who sweep and clean the streets all day long. Of course, not all side streets are as tidy.

There is also a nursery in the park, and there are small plants in flower pots everywhere, which are being nurtured. In the park, there are many employees who take care of the plants and water and clean everything.

During lunch break, I found the coolest basketball court in the world. You just have to be careful not to throw the ball too high...

In the evening, when I left the office, it was difficult to breathe. I had never experienced such bad air before. Even though it is so green here, there are days with high humidity where the air quality is poor. When I googled it, I almost didn't want to breathe anymore haha.

The visibility was also poorer than on other days. The whole city was very foggy.

One funny thing is that the Chinese always line up very orderly at the bus stop. That can't be said about us Germans... (of course, everyone is on their phones :D)

Svaraðu (1)

Hallo Janika, mein Sohn, 21 Jahre alt, war letztes Jahr im Rahmen eines Austausches während des Studiums ein Viertel Jahr in Hongkong und hat dort ein Praktikum bei einer Bank gemacht. Er war ebenfalls wie du beeindruckt von der Stadt und den Bewohnern. Schau dich unbedingt im grünen Hinterland der Stadt um und geh an einem der tollen Strände baden. Ich wünsch dir viele tolle Erlebnisse und neue Eindrücke in dieser MegaMetropole, hab eine schöne Zeit dort. LG Peggy

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