
Snorkeling until the doctor comes...

Naipablaak: 08.11.2021

Today, there is a lot of snorkeling on the program again, because another German couple (Harald and Stefanie), whom we met on our trip, organized a boat tour with a local skipper and spontaneously asked if we would like to join. We simply can't resist, so let's go.

This time, we go to Grand & Petit Soeur, today no less impressive than yesterday and yet completely different again. The underwater world is never the same. But instead of Felicite, Coco Island is on the program as the third snorkeling spot. This is a Marine National Park that is protected and has been recommended for snorkeling before. What impresses us about Coco Island is that many corals are still intact, making the underwater world appear even more colorful - it's great that we have the opportunity to experience this. Furthermore, we also encounter two turtles here without the need for jellyfish water filtration - another absolute highlight. In the water, we meet some local snorkelers who accompany other snorkeling tours, but they also give us great tips on where we absolutely have to swim to see amazing things. As a result, we actually discover some beautiful spots. In the end, they also inform us that 'around the corner' there is a shark to see, not for Mama, Stefanie, and me, but Harald is excited and goes in search - with success, as he tells us later when we arrive back on the boat. The animal was only 1.5m in size...:)) Everyone gets their money's worth, and we are simply thrilled again.

This morning passes way too quickly! In the afternoon, after a short break and swim session, we visit the north of La Digue. We ride our bikes along the coastal road, which is pretty deserted from a certain point, but definitely no less beautiful. Here, we find more coves where local children play and less tourism prevails - absolutely idyllic. At some point, the road simply ends, so we also turn around with our bikes and make a short stop in the town of La Passe before watching the sunset from a small beach located at the back entrance of a local residential area. Some kids are also playing in the water here, which adds to the atmosphere and makes it feel unbelievably authentic Seychellois. In addition, the sun sets phenomenally today - no clouds to spoil it - a perfect ending to this beautiful snorkeling day.


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