Velkommen til eventyret!
Velkommen til eventyret!

05.03 - 11.03

Naipablaak: 16.03.2018

Now the time has come - I don't have time to write my blog post on time. I'm always on the go or have something to do (especially on weekends), so my blog is neglected. But it doesn't matter, at least I have my memory, which works pretty well :-)

Today we had to create our own blog in Creative Learning in the morning, where we write about our learning progress and the activities we do in this course. I'm already overwhelmed with my first blog - I'm curious how I'm supposed to handle two blogs ^^ Anyway - here is the link to my second blog, in case you're really bored and want to read more :P (but there's not much there yet!)

In the afternoon, in the Education & Culture course, our practice team group (Jen, Katoo, Sofie, and I) sat together in the library and searched for literature for our final article. That's all we did on that day - Danish class was canceled, so I had free time from 4 pm onwards :-)

Today was really exhausting and a bit too much for me. In the morning, we more or less had a philosophy lesson. We had to read the first chapter of the book Momo. In class, we then had to read certain sections out loud and should either draw, talk about it, or associate something with it. Afterwards, we were supposed to create a question in small groups that came to mind after reading the first part. From these three questions, we selected one together:

What do you need to be happy?

So we formed a big circle of chairs and discussed and exchanged our opinions for a whole hour. Every person who wanted to say something had to wait for the "speaking stick" before they were allowed to speak. We had really many different approaches and the themes changed within minutes. The whole hour we were all very "charged" because we sometimes have completely different opinions and sometimes provocative statements were made. Towards the end, it was already very emotional for me because some people simply don't understand that you don't always need material things to be happy. But anyway - I won't address the topic again here. 

Although these discussions were really emotional, provocative, and sometimes just questionable, I really enjoyed the hour. I always find it exciting how different opinions can be and how such discussions really make you think. It was definitely cool :-)

In the afternoon, we had the music course and continued rehearsing for "The Cats in the Craddle". (Next week we have to perform our version). In my group are Teresa, Fabienne, Adi, Rebeca, and Karolina. After the rehearsal, we had time to work on our cartoon (cartoon about the year when Dad was 18 - so 1975) and then we listened to another song and discussed it. We were actually supposed to get red wine, but a few Danish students didn't like that, so we continued without wine. 


This morning it was all about storytelling. We played a few games - one of them is called "Play the roulette! A fairy tale!". Explanation is included - highly recommended and certainly great for use in school :-)

.. and here's our story:

In the evening, we had Danish class again - that's all for today :-)


Today we had music class again. Actually, it's always the same routine. On the one hand, rehearsing for the performance, on the other hand, continuing to work on the cartoon and then listening to a vinyl record together. But instead of the cartoon, there was a big discussion about Tuesday's incident. The two teachers wanted to talk about what the problem with the wine was and started a general discussion about tolerance because they questioned their further course planning. It was also a longer and "heated" discussion and so far we haven't really come to a common consensus. But anyway - apparently people here like to discuss a lot.


In the outdoor course today, we learned different handicraft techniques in the first half. Dyeing clothes, knotting techniques, sewing balls, making wool, etc.

After lunch, we went to the Holsted Skole (outdoor school) in several cars and the Unibus to visit it. It was so cool there - Austria can learn a lot from the schools here.

The children have several hours outside of the classroom here - in two smaller wooden buildings where they can learn various handicrafts. (Blacksmithing, woodworking, felting, etc.). So more or less a creative workshop.

In the evening, there was a spontaneous house party at Brenda, Teresa, Sofie, and Evy's place. So about 15 of us were in the small apartment, drinking beer and singing songs (with guitar and karaoke versions from YouTube) to get in the mood for the karaoke night at Boldtsbar. Unfortunately, it wasn't a real karaoke, but rather the birthday of a singer who then sang karaoke (with YouTube) for the whole evening. But it was still fun. There was free cake, lots of music, and a strip tease (which wasn't very exciting :P).

Anyway, afterwards we went to our "regular bar" - Tribunen, to end the evening there. We played "never have I ever" and had a lot of fun. Also with us were Fabienne, Julia, Pascal, Wiebke, Teresa, and me. I ended up going home at 4 am - because the bar closed and we had to leave. Otherwise, we probably would have stayed longer ^^


10.03 & 11.03:
Not much exciting happened on the weekend. I was at the university all day on both days because it was rehearsal weekend for the musical and we rehearsed with dancers, the band, and actors on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday evening, I was invited to dinner at the Achter-WG (such a good dinner - thank you!) and I went home around 2 am.

On Sunday, it was another long day of rehearsals, then it was time to do laundry, and of course, I didn't neglect the university.

That's all from my week. I hope I can manage to update my blog on time on Sunday :-)


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