
Day 22. Seyðisfjörður - Hirtshals Part 2

Naipablaak: 11.08.2017

At 2:30 in the morning, the loudspeaker announcement wakes me up that the car deck is now open and all passengers who want to leave the ship in Tórshavn should go to their vehicles. As mentioned before, I spent the night on Deck 8 in the Sky Bar. So all I had to do was get up and step outside into the pouring rain to take the planned photo.

Meanwhile, the heaters under the Sky Bar shelter had been turned off, but it was still warm enough to spend the rest of the night up here.

I wake up in time for breakfast, dig out my toiletries from my backpack, and find the nearest restroom. Dieter also shows up and we have breakfast together. I'm not really hungry yet, but two fried eggs, some bacon, and a yogurt are always good. The day is just drifting along. I occasionally change my position from the 'Naust' on Deck 5 to Deck 8. Fresh air cannot be replaced by anything else.

There's not much variety, the Shetlands are shrouded in fog, seagulls glide alongside the Norröna for minutes without flapping their wings, caught in the wake of the wind.

We pass by an oil rig and in the evening we say goodbye to a beautiful sunset. That's it. Incredibly exciting.

Now just have to survive this night, I will also spend the night on Deck 8 today. I have already taken out my sleeping bag from the sleeping box.

Have breakfast tomorrow and hopefully take a few kilometers in Denmark with Suzi in dry weather.
Sungbat (2)

Moin. Das mit dem trockenen Wetter wird wohl nicht klappen. Irgendwie gibt's in diesem Jahr viel zu viel Regen. Ich hoffe du kommst gut zu Hause an. Ich freue mich schon sehr drauf dich wieder zu sehen und dann über deine Tour zu plaudern. Bis bald mal wieder.

Fürs BWT heute wärst du auf JE-DEN Fall gut gerüstet gewesen, auf der Hinfahrt hat es derat geschütte, dass ich wg. "Gischt und Galle" die AB nach kanpp 50 KM wieder verlassen musste, aber das kennste ja zur Genüge! ;) Freu mich drauf, dich wiederzusehen! Bis bald!!!