
From Samui Mui to Koh Phangan

Naipablaak: 05.11.2019

Attention, now a longer text follows, because in the evenings I was a bit too tired to write, but I hope you still read the text 😉.

After breakfast, we put on our backpacks, grabbed our laundry bag, and looked for the next hop-on hop-off taxi that would take us to the pier. This time it's only 3 km from the accommodation to Bangrak Seatran Pier, and we've decided not to spend more than 100 Baht on it. We made it faster than expected and arrived at the pier at a quarter to 11 (we were supposed to be there at 12:30 pm). So we had a coffee opposite and had a nice chat with the owner about his life and the opening of the coffee shop. At 1 pm, the ferry to Koh Phangan left from Koh Samui, this time with more waves, but luckily it didn't bother us. This time we were lucky to have a free shuttle to our accommodation, the Long Bay Resort. When we arrived, we were able to move into our little garden hut right away. Both of us were a bit disappointed because we were hoping for a bit more luxury, as it looked like on the pictures, with a hammock on the terrace and all. But I only let that dampen my mood for half a day, because as you know, everything gets better the next day. So in the evening, we went to the Amsterdam Bar, another attempt to watch the sunset. Unfortunately, a few clouds stole the last meters of the sun from us again. For dinner, I wanted to have Masaman Curry, but unfortunately, the waiter mixed up the dishes in terms of spiciness, and I started coughing so badly after the first bite that Marius and I had to switch. So I ended up having chicken with cashew nuts, which tasted really good, even though I would have preferred my curry. Back in the bungalow, we hung up our mosquito net that we brought with us because the evil Thai mosquitoes love my blood type O blood, despite mosquito repellent with a high DEET content, as we all know, such a repellent doesn't last forever, not even the whole night. The funniest thing in this bungalow is our animal roommate, the gecko, who has his house in the bathroom behind the tiles and likes to show up in the darkness. New day and today we started exploring the island by scooter. We went to Salad Beach. There we lay on the beach, mostly in the shade, but also went into the water a few times, which is much cooler than the water in Krabi before. Although we were in the shade all day, we managed to get sunburned, lightly on the shoulders and legs, we heroes. In the evening, we had self-made pasta for dinner, quite around the corner from our resort. I had ravioli filled with purple sweet potatoes, Marius had truffle pasta, both delicious. Afterwards, we went towards the capital of Koh Phangan and each had a sweet crepe as dessert. (Coconut, Nutella, and peanut butter, as well as mango, Nutella, and peanut butter) Not to forget the massage at Pure Relax beforehand. Each of us had a 60-minute Thai massage for 300 baht each. It wasn't the cheapest option, but it was in a great massage salon with trained professionals, relaxing music, and a hot detox tea as a finish. My first massage in my life and I really enjoyed it, especially the head and hand massage. But throughout the massage, you could feel how sticky the fascia was all over the body and probably will be again soon. The next morning, we had buffet breakfast again, with fruit, toast, eggs, and for those who wanted, fried rice or noodles. Today's program consisted of watching waterfalls. A mini waterfall for 20 baht, which you reached through a family's house after going steeply downhill. You couldn't see much of this waterfall because it was not easily accessible, dense vegetation or pipes laid by the family prevented a clear view. But that was an experience that had to be made. On the other hand, the second waterfall was much more exciting because it was connected to a nature walk. At one point, we even thought we were lost because there was no signage, no ropes, and no indication of the way ahead. But luckily, people came towards us from below, and we could guess the way, which actually led through the waterfall stream at this point. I was glad to have trekking sandals on. After a good two and a half hours, we had completed the walk, including the viewpoint, and safely arrived back down. Hiking is really sweaty in this weather, and I was really looking forward to the pool and the sea at the hotel. So after the walk, we headed back to the resort, cooled off in the pool, made another attempt to watch the sunset, and then got ready for the evening. This time we went to a highly rated burger place, Caves, and the reviews did not disappoint. Super delicious hummus appetizer, tasty burger as the main course, rarely had such a juicy meat patty on a burger (perfectly cooked), and a delicious hot brownie with homemade white chocolate ice cream for dessert. Definitely worth a visit if you don't want Thai food for once, just like the noodle house The Rolling Pin the day before. November 5th, 2019, and buffet breakfast again, this time with muesli, fruit, and yogurt. After that, we went to Bottle Beach on the rented scooter, not sure when it would be necessary to walk due to the road conditions. During the night, there were heavy thunderstorms several times, and even on the paved roads, there were large potholes and earth-sand masses. So we had to leave the scooter two kilometers before reaching the beach and continue on foot downhill. But the destination was worth it, an almost deserted beach, a wide beach area, and a swing. As a reward, we had a cold diet coke in the small restaurant and then enjoyed the shade and went swimming in the sea. Really beautiful, the only downside, as everywhere in Thailand, little attention is paid to repairs and making things look nice. The umbrellas on the beach had seen better days, and unfortunately, there was quite a bit of plastic waste lying around in the shoreline area, as well as a dead fish in a completely different corner of the beach, luckily. Around 2:30 pm, about 3.5 hours after arriving at the beach, we had a snack (a sandwich for Marius and baked beans for Julia), and then we walked back to the scooter at around 3:30 pm, which we reached after about 30 minutes of constantly walking uphill. After an hour of riding the scooter, we were back at the resort and refreshed ourselves in the pool before there was only a cloudy sunset. In the evening, we literally had to search for food, as we couldn't find the first restaurant and ended up in a mini restaurant by the roadside, Mamakoh, and it was really delicious and at a tiny price. Spring rolls (shared), Masaman Curry with rice (Julia), pineapple fried rice (Marius), and mango sticky rice (shared), with two diet cokes for only 430 baht. Afterwards, I safely drove us back to the accommodation on the scooter, and we ended the evening comfortably watching a movie. You could really feel the two strenuous hiking/beach days in the muscles.