
Valencia, this is where my long tour begins

Naipablaak: 16.03.2024

Distance 10.4 kilometers, cum. 40.7. Altitude 10, cum. 90

After a long and arduous bus ride, I arrived at the airport in Valencia 90 minutes late. Unfortunately, I realized too late that the chauffeurs had torn off my rearview mirror while unloading the bike. Driving without a rearview mirror is very unusual for me. I have to get another one as quickly as possible.

Afterwards I had to ask a taxi driver for directions because all the streets I found were just highways. But he was very friendly and it soon became clear. There is currently a festival going on where there are celebrations in many places and large figures are set up. These are then burned at the end of the festival.

Finding the accommodation was easy, but no one is there to open the door. I've been waiting for an hour and she's not responding to calls or messages. My adventure got off to a somewhat difficult start.

In the meantime, after waiting for over an hour, she came and I also have a place for my eBike. However, in a place where all residents have access.


Después de largo y arduo viaje en autobus, legué at the airport of Valencia with 90 minutes de retraso. Desafortunadamente, me di cuenta demasiado tarde de que los chóferes me habían arrancado el espejo retrovisor al descargar the bicicleta. Conducir sin espejo retrovisor is muy inusual para mí. Tengo que conseguir otro lo antes possible.

Después tuve que pedirle indicaciones a un taxista porque todas las calles que encontré eran solo autopistas. But it's very amigable and very clear. Actually there is now a festival in which there are many celebrations and many great mountain figures. Luego is waiting for the finale of the festival.

Find the alojamiento fue fácil, but no hay nadie para abrir la puerta. Llevo una hora Esperando y no responde llamadas ni mensajes. My adventure is a difficult experience.

Mientras tanto, después de esperar más de una hora, ella vino y yo también tengo un lugar para mi eBike. Sin embargo, en un lugar al que todos los residents tengan acceso.

After a long and, for me, arduous bus ride, I arrived at the airport in Valencia 90 minutes late. Unfortunately, I realized too late that the drivers had ripped off my rear-view mirror when unloading my bike. Driving without a rear-view mirror is very unusual for me. I need to get another one as soon as possible.

After that, I had to ask a taxi driver for directions, as all the roads I found were just motorways. But he was very friendly and it soon became clear. There is a festival going on at the moment, where people are celebrating in many places and large figures have been set up. These will then be burned at the end of the festival.

Finding the accommodation was easy, but no one is there to open the door. I have already been waiting for an hour and they are not responding to calls or messages. So my adventure got off to a somewhat difficult start.

In the meantime, after more than an hour of waiting, she finally arrived and I also have a place for my eBike. However, it is in a place where all the residents of the house have access.


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