
Everything has an end...

Naipablaak: 29.01.2024

Today at 10:30 a.m. we were supposed to be picked up by the bus and taken to the airport. That means you could almost have slept in, but no, my alarm went off at 6 a.m. I let the gentlemen sleep. I left so early because yesterday when I was packing my suitcase I noticed that the second cup for Joy was also ruined. It's "only" torn and, as Andi said, you can hardly see it, but who wants a broken collector's cup? Not me 🤷🏼‍♀️ Starbucks opens at 6:00 a.m. on the pier, I was there at 6:35 a.m. I then explained to the two nice gentlemen at the checkout that I bought the cup here yesterday and unfortunately I only noticed at the hotel that it was broken. That my "little" daughter collects them and was so excited about the cup and whether they wouldn't exchange it for me😇 They're not allowed, but if it was already broken, hmm they'll call the boss. He tells him the story again about my oh-so-little daughter and her passion for collecting Starbucks cups😅 Hmm, yes he totally understands and no one really wants a broken cup (see Andi🤷🏼‍♀️). Okay, we'll exchange it, give me the receipt. And me, receipt?😳 I know I got one, but in my opinion it ended up on the street along with the rest of the bag's contents yesterday and wasn't one of the things that Jörg picked up again🙈 Well, the nice gentleman, understandably, didn't Receipt, no exchange. I then completely despaired as to whether there really was nothing I could do. No, unfortunately he cannot exchange goods from other stores. And I, wait☝🏼 because I bought it right here in this branch. Then I told him how I was here yesterday, sent Joy pictures of all the cups, which ones she chose, etc. Then he looked at the chat with Joy (as if he could read something)🤭, but based on the time From the messages he was able to find my payment from the previous day in the system. That's what I call service☺️ We were both happy. Me because I could now exchange the cup, him because it made me happy☺️
Back to the hotel and wrapped both cups like raw eggs umpteen times with dirty laundry so that nothing could go wrong😅
Then I lay down again. However, sleeping was no longer possible due to synchronous snoring on both sides. We all got up around 8 a.m., packed the rest of our things into our suitcases and went to have breakfast again at the Cherry Street Coffee House.
From then on not much happened. The bus was on time and baggage drop-off and check-in at the airport went smoothly. Then it was time to wait. Our plane was almost an hour late, but we still landed in Frankfurt almost on time. The flight was again quite unspectacular. At least for me. There were three of us sitting in a row of four, so there would have been room, but my husband again🙄 He's just too nice. A couple was separated. One has the seat across the aisle next to us, her partner 5 rows further in front (there's even a free seat next to her, but good, you don't have to understand everything). Then the 5 rows ahead asked if she could sit in the free seat with us (huh, there's still a free spot in your place), then they wouldn't be so far apart (again, huh, there's something free in your place). , go there🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️) And Jörg, of course of course. Okay, that was it with more space, but that was still within reason. Then the person sitting next to me came. She is also separated from her husband and would swap places with the person sitting next to him. Well, stop. The fact that my new person sitting next to me actually needed 2 seats🙄 I really don't want to be angry, but when you sit in your seat, a third of it is occupied by someone else and every time you move you touch the stranger next to you, it's not pleasant for both of you. A blessing in disguise, before we started, Jürgen sent a picture saying that he once again had endless space, namely 2 free seats next to him. Well, it was clear that he now had to share these seats with me🤷🏼‍♀️ When we reached our altitude, I moved. Jörg now had a little more legroom and could watch his films in peace. Anyone who knows me knows that when I sit for a long time and get bored, I can get really annoying😅 So the move was a win-win situation for both of us and the approximately 7 hours of separation didn't hurt our marriage😅 I moved into my regular one 2 hours before landing place again. I really couldn't have sat there like that for 10 hours. My knee was shaking quite a bit and with Jürgen in front I was able to stretch out nicely. He was so nice and gave me both seats completely. He also provided me with snacks and drinks. So if you ever travel with Jürgen, you have an all-round, worry-free package at your side☺️ Thank you Jürgen☺️

When we landed in Frankfurt, we picked up our suitcases and quickly got to the car to get started. It was clear to Andi and me that we would be at the stadium at 4:30 p.m. for our Wild Wings game. Unfortunately, Jörg wasn't feeling so well, he was flat and had to catch a cold on the last day. In Seedorf Jörg and the suitcases were “thrown out of the car”, we were there shortly for the golden M and the opening of the stadium💪🏼 But what a fight. I could have slept standing up for the first two thirds😅 However, the fight to stay awake was worth it. We won 5-2 against Augsburg. One step further towards the championship 🤭
But then not much worked anymore. At home I cleared out my suitcases a bit. Okay, actually just Joy's cup😅 I'll unpack the rest tomorrow.

It was another great time with SportFanReisen. The trips are really well organized, the tour guides are super helpful and fun for pretty much everyone. Met a lot of nice new people and also met old friends from our first trip. We have experienced and seen a lot. And we will definitely go on a trip again. Mücke, I hope you'll be at the start again this time😉

What else can/must be mentioned:

#wirsindschweningen is simply everywhere. We didn't mention it in the blog, but at the game in Vancouver Andi and I were walking around when suddenly someone in the Schweninger jersey from the winter game came towards us. And we, wait a minute, we are the only people from Schwenningen on this trip🤔 Stopped the gentleman and had a short chat. He knew immediately that we belonged to SportFanReisen and told us that he was in Vancouver for a week to have 4! Watch games. The world is so small sometimes.

Oh, and I had the receipt for the Starbucks cups I thought I had lost in my jacket pocket. In the jacket I wore in the store in the morning🙄. It was the piece of paper that I was still upset about, what kind of rubbish I have in the bag again😅🙄 Maybe take a closer look next time. But the exchange worked for me😅

And to my favorite ex-work colleague Norbert: That's it for now with reading the blog during lunch breaks. You have to get other reading material again. But the next trip will definitely come😉 Hopefully see you again soon at the Wusa buffet or something👋🏼


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