himmlischgut reisen
himmlischgut reisen

Finally SUN =)

Naipablaak: 15.09.2018

She is laughing
She is laughing

We were awakened by the Friday morning still somewhat sleepy. Everything was prepared for the big day. Quickly visited the shower house at the campsite and off we went. Barely 3 hours full of anticipation lay ahead of us.

Past many fruit plantations, waterfalls, and small villages. Many fruit plantation owners set up small stands by the side of the road, you simply throw the amount to be paid into the cash register and help yourself to plums, apples, juice, and much more. We didn't miss out on that and took a few juicy apples with us.

Suddenly, almost unbelievable, in a picturesque environment it lay before us. THE SUN!

the young lady still somewhat hesitant
the young lady still somewhat hesitant

But that was just the beginning of the great days. On the way, she visited us over and over again. She still didn't want to join us completely, but she kept the rain away from us. We are more than grateful to Mother Nature for that.

The first snow-covered mountain peaks appeared. We zigzagged down the hairpin curves of the mountains. Full of anticipation, we drove towards the destination. We hoped the whole time that it would be soon. And then another curve and another one and another one. But suddenly.... there it appeared in all its glory. The Geiranger fjord.

Past the tour buses and sneaker tourists. Through the picturesque town of Geiranger. Short stop before the steep serpentines on the right side of the fjord go back up. We placed our GoPro on the windshield to later combine the way up into a time-lapse video.

Finally at the viewpoint, where all the beautiful postcard motifs are created. We parked MARC firmly, strapped our cameras under our arms, and stormed the less crowded platform.

You see, his name is really MARC =)

We spent almost 1.5 hours up there. The postcard motif didn't work out because of the cloud cover, but we collected more great photos. And the most important thing is the images in our mind. The impression, no one can take that away from us, not even a postcard.

Enough with the pictures. Even though they speak louder than words. We went down again, back through the town and the serpentines on the other side out of the valley.

Looking for a suitable place to sleep, there were still some small hidden highlights. A lake hidden behind a small forest, lying there like in a picture book.

Not 20 minutes later, this turquoise-blue river with its suspension bridge appeared on the side of the road in front of us.

For this night, a simple parking lot in the small town of Otta would do. Surrounded by a cultural hall, a youth center, a school, and an industrial area. It's not cozy, but it serves its purpose. We could cook and sleep quite well, and we also saved some money.

The sun was still hiding behind the clouds on Saturday morning. But it didn't matter as long as it was dry. Today we drove without our Frau Becker. The routes are a bit easier to drive and much more manageable. We drove quite a bit southeast.

LILLEHAMMER - Olympic venue from 1994

The first small stop was at the bobsled and toboggan run. Our Hackl Georg became Olympic champion here. Quite impressive what you can achieve with a summer bobsled in terms of speed, up to 100 km/h. We skipped the ride and continued with MARC towards the Olympic Park.

Ski jumping hill with a view over Norway's largest lake

Training was also diligently

Not only the young people were diligently practicing, the inhabitants of the tranquil little town also go through their daily/weekly workout here. They run up and down 936 steps from the outrun to the jump tower in a flash. There were hardly any tourists around, so we could enjoy the view over the valley and watch the boys jump.

After that, we treated ourselves to a little stroll through the pedestrian zone. There was a lot going on in the small street with its many cute little boutiques. We had a little refreshment and then, after a short consideration, continued southward.

the Olympic flame burned here in 1994

This would pay off more than expected. After just under an hour, the following happened:

sunglasses alert
sunglasses alert

And immediately the mood rose even more. Quickly, quickly always following the blue sky. Leaving clouds, fog, and rain behind for now. We didn't actually have a specific destination for today. After the sun shone on us like that, we knew we had to go to Vikersund. We could already guess from a distance that the sun was shining there.

At 6 pm, we were at the campsite with MARC. Before that, we had already caught a brief glimpse of our first stage for tomorrow.

We extended the awning, took out the table and chairs, and simply enjoyed the warmth of the sun's rays.

Finally, we were able to create some order in the interior again. Everything was taken out, sorted, and with sufficient space. At home, you would probably call it spring cleaning :-)

Before we had a good dinner, we watched the sun go down and enjoyed a glass of good red wine. Greetings to Offstein with this.

Nina is already fast asleep. I also wish you a good night and a great Sunday.
Oh yes, let's not forget, Monday is already here again :-)

In this sense, stay tuned for what the next few days will bring.

Your girls
